Fun Weekend

So, Kenzie had a blast. From roasting hot dogs over the fire pit, the water fight with Uncle Derrick, Swimming with Riley and Shelby, Going to Target with Grammy, Riley, and Shelby, The movie with Grammy, Riley, and Shelby... Her weekend was action packed! She loved it. Roy and Carol have pictures on their new camera and when I get them e mailed to me, I will be sure to post them. She says that she can't wait to see Shelby again!

I did a surprise for her this weekend as well. I went on to her webkinz account and got her gem for yesterday. It happened to be the last one she needed for the Crown of Wonder! I immediately called to tell her and Riley. Riley was very excited about it. Kenzie wouldn't talk to me, but wanted to know all about it when she got home today. We went over and cooked dinner for Roy today since he had his surgery on Thursday. He is doing well. Maddie has been such a joy! She even fell asleep standing up today! I wish I could have gotten a pic of it! Too funny. She would start to slump down and then stand back up all while sleeping. Ryan is doing ok. I am getting Kenzie's lunch packed, so I better be going! Have a good week all!


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