
This past weekend was interesting.... On saturday, we went and picked Kenzie up from "Yaya" and "Pappy" 's house. Sunday, Carol called asking for my carpet cleaning machine, so we were on our way back to their house. Carol and I painted baskets. The girls helped her clean the upholstry on her sectional. Ryan tried to contain the kids at times.... It was interesting. We made plans to go to the Hindmans for Labor Day. Come Monday, I was having trouble with some of my homework, so I stayed home and Ryan, Kenzie, Maddie, Yaya, and Pappy went to the Hindman's house. The girls played in the pool and had a great time. I haven't got much more to report, but I seem to be getting a handle on this homework. I should have a better week next week. Hopefully there won't be any more issues with it this week. Maddie is getting upset now though so I better go.


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