Going to "Yaya's"

So, Carol, Amanda, and I had this idea that since Carol was going to watch Riley and Shelby this weekend, she could take Kenzie with her. I didn't tell Kenzie she was going to see her cousins in Orlando. Amanda didn't tell Riley and Shelby that Kenzie was comming. It was all good... Or so I thought. After I had told Kenzie that Ryan was taking her to meet Yaya at her office, then she would take her to dinner before going home, Kenzie was ok when she left here. She was cool with it for a while in the car. Then when they got to McDonalds, Carol broke down. She said she couldn't get Kenzie to leave the play place there at the Mickey D's. So she said some thing like "Kenzie come on. We gotta go. We are going to Riley and Shelby's house for the weekend". I guess that got her attention because when I talked to her last, she was about 20 minutes from Amanda and Deke's house and Kenzie was sound asleep in the Explorer. I am sure she will have a great weekend. Apparently, Shelby had planned on wanting to teach Kenzie how to swim the next time she saw her, so it will be a great surprise for Shelby and Riley. Carol was going to get some little swimmie wings for Kenzie's arms so that they can safely get in the pool. After last Christmas when she fell in the pool, I was really a little scared when I heard about Shell Bell wanting to teach Kenzer how to swim! I don't know why but I guess it is just one of those Mommy things. Maddie has been great tonight. She just wants to go to Yaya's so she can "WING" . They have a hammock out on the back porch and she loves to swing in it with me. There is also a park within walking distance from their house that we walked them to the last time we were there so she remembers that. Ryan has been working a lot more this week. He worked 2 days at a temp agency, then on the second day he went and checked in on the facility and when Arnie saw him, he put Ryan to work. So he worked 5 hours in the morning at the temp job, then 4 hours at the facility Wednesday night, 9 hours Thursday and Friday, tomorrow he is working from 7a to 2p.


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