Christmas is a coming

 As I sit here, we are just 2 more sleeps away from Christmas eve. As I sit here, I am pondering all that has transpired over the last year. Some of it is great and some of it really sucked. As I ponder, I think about how thankful I am for the things that happened. Then realization hits me that the sucky parts are outnumbered by the really great parts and I remember that without Jesus coming to save me, none of this would have been possible. We've been through working from home because of COVID, schooling at home, challenges with cars, car accidents that total our only car, graduations, learning new things, spending time with our loved ones, seeing Grandma, and the list goes on. With all of those things come many feelings, some sad, some angry, some thankful, and some super proud. What remains steady is that love is what got us through them all. 

As we look to the new year, we do not know where life will take us, but we know that Jesus Christ will be our cornerstone as we walk the path. We know that despite appropriate measures, the woman who hit Ryan is trying to sue us for all we are worth, but Jesus. We know that we will be okay. We are thankful that everyone is perfectly fine from the accident and that cars are repairable or replaced. We are thankful that we were blessed and could get a replacement super quick and a second car not long after. We are thankful that our children were raised to take care of one another in emergencies and to seek help when they need it. 

See as we go into the new year, our prayer for you is that you are able to see the good and be thankful IN the moment. 


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