Merry Christmas, everyone!


As we prepare to spend time with our families, let us all pause a moment to think about the ultimate gift God gave us: his son. We wish you all the Merriest of Christmases and Happiest of New Years. Keep reading if you'd like a glimpse into our day today and tomorrow: 

  • baking cookies with the girls
  • wrapping gifts after they go to bed
  • playing santa 
  • attending Candle light Christmas Service
  • Making a new casserole
  • Making overnight sticky cinnamon rolls for tomorrow morning. 
Our Christmas morning looks like this: 
  • mom wakes up and makes sure everything is just right
  • mom makes a cup of coffee. 
  • kids wake up and yell from there room to make sure dad is awake before coming out. 
  • they find what Santa left them and we do stockings. 
  • it's break time and we bake our breakfast and eat. 
  • then it's all the wrapped gifts and playing with all our new and fun things! 
We have a very casual day planned, but it's how we've done it for years and yes, cinnamon rolls is a must for us. We do that every. single. year. 

Much love and many blessings to you and yours! 


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