The importance of connections

 Many times, we don't take the opportunity in life to think about connections. Much like the way legos connect to erect the building or vehicle you are trying to create, without connecting pieces, our lives would fall apart. It's not often that we take time to reflect on those connections in meaningful ways. If I am honest, when we moved from Indiana back to Florida, we didn't appreciate the connections we had and so as I look back I wonder what life would have been like if we'd not only appreciated those connections, but supported them in meaningful ways. 

Since moving to Greenville, not only have we made connections, but we've made it a part of life to connect with those people we've met that have become more like family than friends. We took the time to find a church that really believes in connecting with their people and not in a way that makes the patrons of the church feel like they are just a player in the game of chess and that player's job is to be used and abused to the point of walking away from the church. 

Just a couple nights ago, Maddie came with me for Sisterhood. It's an event that the women in our church put on to love on each other and those who want to go with them. While there wasn't Nothing Bundt Cakes this time, we'd made some connections and so she was blessed to be loved on by Pastor Brittani, Crimson, Makailey and so many more women. The picture you see below is one of my favorites. Not because Maddie is in it, but because of the memories I have of when it went down. You see, there was a "selfie" station set up with a wonderful ring light. Maddie leaned over to me at our table as we were having snacks and listening to Christmas music and: 

Maddie: Hey Mom, do you think I could get a picture over there (and points to the selfie station). 

Me: Sure! And I bet if you ask the lady in the ivory sweater, she would even take it for you. Her name is Makailey. 

Maddie: (grabs my phone) MAKAILEY!!!!! (and runs off to ask for a photo). 

When she returned to the table, she not only had her picture, but 3 of them and a huge smile on her face. The one act of loving kindness because of a connection I'd made during my Wednesday night small group was all it took. When we got home from dinner after going to the event, I messaged Makailey to thank her for the picture and to say that it had made Maddie's night and received a kind response that only a servant of our Lord and Savior could give. 

As the night went on, we sang carols (and forgot some words with Pastor Will) and heard the Christmas Story, and even got to surprise Makailey as the woman we recognized (yes, she even filmed her own honoring moment and didn't know it). We shopped a little afterward and then headed out to get dinner with Ryan and Mackenzie. 

The moral of this little story is that because we have connected with people here, we feel loved on. We feel included. We feel home. Pastor Brittani and Pastor Josh have been amazing in opening their arms to welcome a couple of people and their teenage children into their little family. You see, there's a HUGE sign hanging on the outside of the church that says "You belong here" and I feel like that sign was MEANT FOR US. We were struggling to find where we belong and now that we have connected, I feel like we aren't crumbling like we were when we lived in Ocala. Since connecting at GFC, we have: 

  • joined small groups
  • gotten involved in the youth group
  • participated in reach day 
  • knocked down walls
  • helped to reach the homeless
  • made friends
  • welcomed new babies (Crimson and another lady in my small group)
  • laughed with Pastor Will when we forgot the words to Mary Did You Know
  • learned many new and fresh praise and worship songs
  • been introduced to MANY new people
  • attended youth conference
My most favorite theme in all of this is that we have connected and these connections are leaving impressions on our hearts and lives. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for the coming year. We already know that the girls have a retreat in February to go to. Looking forward to not only being loved on, but loving on others as well. 


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