Kenzie is da bomb!

I recieved this note via e mail from the teacher today and thought I would share it with you all:

I LOVE that she really enjoys doing the homework! Kenzie has perseverance that I typically don’t see this young!! I am so excited about the new v tech write and learn smart-board!!! She has just come out of her shell this week with counting….we have been working on 1-5 for so long and I think she’s really got the hang of it now WOOHOO!! I’m glad that Ryan is getting involved, I was a daddy’s girl growing up and it’s always good to hear when the Dad gets involved!! Keep up the great work you are doing at home, again any type of games or turn taking is a wonderful chance to teach those basic communication skills. I agree with you, I think we have great communication and I feel we’re on the same page with Kenzie. We don’t have to meet, I will be starting the sign up for home visits for March and April (if the weather ever picks a season to stay inJ) I would love to come and visit you all at home. It is completely optional though so no pressure!! Thanks for the update!!


Kenzie is doing so well with the whole learning thing. She has really blossomed this year. I never expected for her to pick up so much so fast with letters, numbers, colors, shapes, writing, speech and all the other stuff they do at school. She is just a trooper! And PROPS TO RYAN! He has really started trying to be a major impact on her education! It just took him a good minute to jump on the bandwagon!

Keep up the great work Kenzie!



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