No School today :(

Maddie had another hay day in the cottage today with her big sister. She loves that thing so much! Great job Ryan!
Here is the first of several pics I took of the winter weather we had last night.
And here you can see where our van was parked and exactly how much snow/ice Ryan had to try and battle to get out of the driveway to go to work at 5am.
The girls got matching hoodies, but Maddie wasn't going to hang around for the picture!
Such a ham! Kenzie posed for me so I could get a good pic of the hoodie. I really liked it and they were 40% off at Old Navy!
Kenzie "napping" in the cottage today!

The snow/ice build up on the back porch!
And more snow/ice build up on our back porch!
See the icecicles hanging from the swingset? How crazy!
I don't know what that pic is but it is white so there it is!The front walk way to the house. Iteresting!
Ryan made it safely to and from work today in this mess. I stayed in the house with the girls. There was no way I was going to take them out in the nasty weather. And that is that. We did get a valentine from Roy and Carol today. It was quite interesting because when they opened them, they traded movies and stuffed animals. Hmmm. Don't know what they were thinking. LOL!


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