wireless router, dsl, allz kindz of stuffz!
We have been talking for a long time now about getting a wireless router so that the laptop can be connected to the internet at the same time as the desktop and I broke down today and bought one. It is made by linksys and I love it. I know it has only been a few hours since I got it hooked up, but now we aren't both running to the same computer at the same time. So, now for the rest of the day's happenings. Ryan worked. Kenize went to school and had a good day. She wrote her name all by herself with some verbal cuing, but that is all! Yay Kenzie. Maddie learned how to brush her own hair. The girls are loving all over each other. I can be in the other room, it get quiet, so I go to check on them and I find Maddie leaning in to kiss her sissy! So cute! I love that they are so close. I talked to Carol and she is getting along with that knee operation. Roy is doing good I would assume, the phone went dead while I was talking wireless router stuff with him. And that is about it. I babysit for Candy tomorrow so she can go to a doctor's appointment and I go to sign my schedule at the college tomorrow. I can't wait. I will be sure to update you all on that. Oh one other thing, in March, the class that I have to take first term is on Wednesdays, so for those of you who have become acustomed to seeing us on that night (Megan, Chris, Maria, Brian, etc) we will not be able to be at CIC until after I get through the first term of school. It saddens me, but I just know that this is a very important class, and I will be back to normal as soon as it is over. Well, that is all for now. Need some sleep.
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