Snow Day #2 this week.

We have had a pretty interestingly white week. Mostly because we had 2 snow days. I of all people HATE snow days. I am the type of kid who was very upset when we had to stay home because of the pretty white stuff. I would rather to have gone to school. So, I had to try and find things to keep my kids busy. I took them to Uncle Kevin and Aunt Candy's house yesterday so that they could play with their cousins for once. I did get some good pics of the kids. While we were there, we sent Daddy and Uncle Kevin off to Paoli Peaks for some big boy fun. I can't wait for Maddie to be old enough to go because then we can make a family fun trip out of it. Needless to say, Ryan is very sore today. He said it was quite interesting because he can ski (he has been skiing before) and Kevin can snowboard (that is what we get for him loving skateboards and bikes growing up) so when they were on ski's, Ryan was constantly helping Kevin up and when on snowboards, Kevin was constantly helping Ryan up! Go figure! Anyway on to the pics:
On the left we have Anthony "Bubba". He is always quite the rough one! And on the right we have Nick. Nick is now 6 and Bubba is 3. I can't believe how big they are getting.

Here is a picture that was supposed to be Nick and Kenzie, but it didn't turn out like I wanted it to, so I cropped it to be only Nick. He is such a hamm! Love you Nick!

Since Mom needed a carseat for her car, we bought Maddie one that was on sale. It is totally up her alley. Pink with flowers! She loves it! She sat in it inside Candy's house for ever!

Bubba loved his mess free art thing that the girls got him for christmas. Yes, we just did Christmas with them. We just never were able to hook up a time that would be good for both families.

Look at me! I have blue eyes! Actually this was a picture that KENZIE took with my camera! I had to crop it but it really did turn out good.

Now, Ryan is at work and I am here with the girls doing the valentine thing. I will post those pics a little later!

Love, Dawn


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