some photos, and here are the outcomes... let me know what you think. she is always doing cute things with isabella's photo's, so i tried a few things and so far i am liking them...
after uploading them here, i think i need to work on the size of the letters... will do that another time I thought they were cute for my first try
Last night, knowing that my brother often has a sweet tooth at night, I made some Chocolate Brittle Surprise. Here is the recipe since I promised I would put it here for Candice: Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Then lightly spray with pan spray (like Pam). Line the cookie sheet with saltine crackers. Boil 1 cup butter and 3/4 cups of brown sugar for 3 minutes. cover the crackers with this butter/sugar mixture. Bake at 400 for 5 minutes. Then put 12 ounces of semisweet chocolate chips over that immediately after it comes out of the oven. as it melts spread the chocolate so it evenly coats the crackers. Chill the brittle in the refrigerator or freezer until hard. Crack like you would peanut brittle, then store in ziploc bags in the freezer. Yummy! Amanda makes this all the time and since I wanted something cheap and easy to make, I made this. It is so goooood! Kenzie is at school and I am about to work on my Research Paper for school. Hope all is well. Maddie has ...
I have joined up with a group of my friends and we are planning some get togethers. We will be doing play dates at each other's houses. We are hoping to be able to do a christmas party in december. i am also hoping that in the future we can have some mdo activities (mom's day out). in addition to this we are working on a recipe book to share our favorite recipes. we are also doing a babysitting swap starting soon so that we can just swap with one of the girls. I would watch April's two kids so she can have mommy time, and she would swap another night with me to watch my two kids. I think it will really work out well for all of us. Kenzie is starting to learn some sight words. She can already recognize the words I, A, and Can. I know it is only three words, but she is learning that is what matters most at this moment. I can't wait for her to learn more words as she progresses in Kindergarten. Maddie came up to me today and said, "MOMMY BATHROOM!" so ...
The Rules: 1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts. 2. Each player starts with twenty random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their twenty things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!) 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. 20 Random facts/habits about me: 1. I have been Married for 5 years on October 20 2. I am a cake decorator on the side, but I don't like cake! 3. I am a moderator for a role playing site. (It is all good clean fun) 4. I work at Christopher East Health Care in Louisville as a CNA (that is not good clean fun!) 5. I love my new (old)house. I lived in it when I was in high school 6. Aside from Jesus my kids and husband are #1 to me 7. I love the color purple 8. I am enjoing doing some work on the house. 9. I a...
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