why must we be woke up?
This morning, while trying to nap (me and Maddie) and Kenzie was even laying down. Then the doorbell rings. We ignore it. A knock on the door. We ignore it. Another knock on the door. We ignore it again. And the doorbell rings again. Finally we give up. It was the neighbor's grandson comming over to "play wii" . Keep in mind that when I am awake, I don't mind for him to come and play, but we normally have the rule that he has to come over after Ryan is home, but for some reason this week, he has decided that he wants to come over from the time he woke up until the time he goes to bed. I told him that I was still sleeping, and he went back to the house. Next thing I know Maddie is in her room screaming, "Mommy, up!" so that was the end of my sleep. So it is a good thing that I only have 4 hours tonight. I would have liked to have kept the 12, but Katrina switched it out with me for me working for her last friday. It was really nice of her, so when I get home tonight, I am sure to knock out in no time. Kenzie has been really good these last few days, I wonder what the deal is. Her tooth is just barely hanging in there. I will be sure to snap a picture of her toothless grin when it comes out for all of you. Maddie has been being tricked into taking naps... What do I mean? Well, when we get home from Ryan bringing the girls to me, I simply ask her if "baby" is sleepy. She generally says "yeah" and I say, "Do you wanna put baby nini?" and she says "yeah". So we go find baby and maddie's cup of water along with allowing her to pick out a blankie. Then she gets in her crib with baby and says, "baby nini" and lays there making baby go nini. She falls asleep in the process. It is just too darn cute. And in turn, Kenzie and I get to lay down too. Which means I get a little sleep. Sometimes Mommies have to learn to be resourceful. That seems to be the end of the update for now. I will try to post a more alert one tomorrow...
Grrrrr i don't answer the door....the phone....and I growl when I'm prodded at.