
Showing posts from 2012

Handwashing say what???

many of us think that handwashing our clothes went out of style way back in the 50's when the first ringer washers came into  the picture, but I have to say that for my family, we were forced back into this when we moved the last time, and it is quite fun!  i just did 2 loads in my bath tub for the family.  we have been doing this for about a month now and it's refreshing to know that my hard work is paying off for my family to have clean clothes and not have the dirty ones stinking up our rooms because we don't have a washer and can't afford to go to the laundry mat.  At almost $4 a load at our local laundry mat, it's just not possible.  While we do have to hang them out to dry, that's ok.  we are using solar power to dry our clothes, we are on a well, so we are only using minimal energy to have the hot water with our whites.  it's a great feeling to know that i don't have to use all those machines, but i do miss washing my comfortors in the washer....


So, as many in my family can tell you, I've always said I wanted to go back to college, but never ACTED on it.  Well, I am here to say, I AM DOING THIS!  What proof do you have?  Well, none, but the government does!  I just finished my fafsa application and it's looking GOOD!  I can't wait.  So here's how it works: Apply for Aide-- this takes longer, so if you want to go back to school, do yourself a favor and apply for aide before you apply for your college! Order transcripts-- they will be ordered tomorrow come what may!  The copy is only $10, so that won't be a biggie.  They should be to me within 10 days, so I can run those in to the school.  Apply for college-- I'll need to pay a $25 application fee, but for me, it's worth it.  This will also be happening tomorrow!  WooHoo!  Things are getting done.  According to Pasco-Hernando Community College, I should be able to have it all done and start my classes come J...

The things kids say....

The things my kiddies say CRACK ME UP!!!  I am sure all mom's say this, but today, I busted out laughing when Maddie came in the livingroom... Here's the story: I had a friend who was supposed to be stopping by, so since we haven't seen her for a while, I got Maddie into a really cute little outfit.  Something special so she could see her "aunt".  Well, she's sick and didn't get to come, but right after I got her ready, down to hair and all, I'm sweeping the living room and she comes in and declares, with hand on the hip and the whole bit, "I HAVE A HOTT DATE TONIGHT!"  LOL  Where she hears these things I have no clue!  She warms my heart when she does things like that.  Now I have the two of them over in the living room teaching each other how to play the Soprano Recorder, also known as the flute.  Mackenzie got it last year because she had to have one for music class.  I bought the book too so they could learn a little of how to read mu...

From Student of the Month to Cookin' Cuite

My girls are go getters!  Every year at least 1 time, they are named student of the month!  To celebrate, I decided to let Mackenzie help make dinner.  She LOVES cooking!  So I picked something she's been asking me to make and let her make it!  Super easy and FUN! Meatball Subs: Ingredients: 1 Jar Pasta Sauce Meatballs Hoagie rolls (they need to be connected on one side but open on the other side) Aluminum Foil Mozzerella Cheese Process: Put Meatballs in large pot.  Turn on to Medium heat.  Cover in pasta sauce and gently stir around.  When they are heated through, Place them in the rolls.  4 meatballs per sandwich.  Then COVER in Mozzerella Cheese!  Bake at 400 on a cookie sheet until cheese is melted, golden and bubbly!  We are gonna really LOVE these in a few minutes :)

Time for ME!

Many of you know, that I don't really do anything for myself, and over the years I have battled with going back to school or not.  Well in the last year, I have really been feeling the pull to do it.  After much consideration, I am going to go back!  This summer I'll have to get my pre req's done.  After that it's the RN program for me!  WooHoo!!!  You might be wondering what has sparked this right?  Well, I have a passion for helping others.  I have experience as a Certified Nursing Assistant.  And it offers a great advancement opportunity!  Basically, my background is medical so why change that right?  The girls are getting old enough that I can enroll them in PLACE in order for me to do this. And I have the support of my husband.  So I really feel like this is the time!  I think that over the last 3 years, God  has been preparing me for this.  Again you may be asking how I know this, well try applying fo...

More on Madison

After the parent teacher conference today, I have a much better understanding of this whole PMP thing with Madison.  Here's more on it.... and more on why I now know more about it... Rewind to when Kenzie was 4.... We were in Indiana and the school system there did a wonderful job of getting the evaluation done before kindergarten, so I didn't have to understand all of the way this would work... When we got to Florida when she started kindergarten, we already had an IEP in place.  So we only had minor changes to that... Fast Forward to Present... Madison is in 1st grade and has to go through some testing that they do with all 1st graders (Kindergarten too)... It's called FAIR. This is in order to help with her reading and math.  So, here's what the results are: As it stands now, Madison is predicted (by FAIR) to have a moderate probability of scoring at or above grade level on the end of year comp task. She is below grade level in Reading Comprehension, however,...

Love is Kind

Many times, we forget that love is kind.  We take for granted the way that we come across to our spouses.  For yesterday's dare, I was to do something unexpected for my spouse.  While this journey will be hard because sometimes he's out of town, I am doing everything I can to followthrough with this dare.  I wasn't able to do this for him yesterday, so I did combine it with today's dare.  How did I do this?  Well, not only did I do whatever he wanted to do today, but I didn't say anything negative to him while doing it.  Again, I stress, It's hard with him out of town, since he's home today, we had a morning of going where he wanted to and doing things he wanted to do.  He was shocked that I was willing to do all of this.  More on this tomorrow.  Yesterday's verse:  Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:32

Madison-- School Update

I have been busy at work today working on getting a few things set up.  Here's what I have learned so far: Madison has a Progress Monitoring Plan in Reading, Writing, and Math to help monitor her so that should the teacher think she needs more help in one area or another, they can easily address that!  Woo Hoo!  Love that her teacher is proactive like that!  She is getting Speech Therapy 2 times a week with Mrs. Mix.  I just got off of the phone with her and she has told me that she definately sees the improvements with her speech!  We are working with /sh/ and /ch/ now.  So, starting next week, we will have speech homework to do in addition to our spelling and math that we already have.  I have a conference with her homeroom teacher tomorrow.  We are going to be going over this PMP as well as any questions that might arise while we are there.  I'll be bringing a few things to her attention and then going from there.  So, th...

My thoughts

So, I wanna share my thoughts on a subject that is thrown out there all the time.  JUDGEMENT. From a worldy standpoint, we are all judged on a daily basis wether we know it or not.  People judge people anymore without even thinking.  She looks fat in that shirt, yep that's a judgement.  He's not parenting like I would.  That one too is a judgement.  We do it without realizing it most of the time anymore, but I want to challenge all of us. For One day, pass NO judgement.  Why?  well because I am tired of those who I thought were close to me judging me because of many reasons.  I may not have as much money as they do. I may not have all the material posessions that they have.  I may not have the newer vehicles that they have.  I may not do things they way they would do them.  I may have beliefs that they don't have.  This doesn't mean that anyone should judge me.  Here's a passage from the BIBLE to shed some lig...

Love is Patient

So, I'm doing this dare.  I decided to do it just to see if I could get through it.  While it's been a trying year with Ryan being gone so much, I decided I would do the 40 day love dare.  This is an activity that will strengthen all marriages, so I wanted to do this for a while now.  I finally got around to starting it.  So with that said, every day there's a bible verse that goes with the dare.  Yesterday was the first day and here's the verse for it: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Epehesians 4:2 And the dare for the day was to say nothing negative to my spouse for the day.  Then I had a list of 3 things to do and they were to pray for my spouse and myself, perform the dare, and write my thoughts or feelings, so I decided that I would do some blog entries as a journal to keep my thoughts on.  It is my hope that through my journey it will inspire someone else to also take this journey ...

Thirty-One Journey

My Thirty-One Journey as and Independent Consultant has been an amazing one!  And the journey is continuing!  It's going to be a great month!  Not only have we launched the fall catalog, but we have the best sale this month!  Who doesn't love a MAKE YOUR OWN sale!!!! So, how does it work?  Well it's quite simple, when you spend $31 this month, you get to choose ANY item from our catalog for 31% off!  And that's not any item of equal or lesser value like most stores do!  You could choose the most expensive item in the catalog and still get that 31% off! Here's an example: I purchase an Organizing Utility Tote in Black Parisian Pop and Personalize it with my Initials in style 30 with Hot Pink thread, I have spent $37 therefore qualifying me for the special, I then decide to buy my mom the 5th Avenue bag for a gift.  Normally this bag would cost me $125 (at full price), but I only have to pay $86.25 for that bag!  Wow!  That's a savin...

A journey...

many of us many times in our lives start the journey of getting into shape.  most of us fall off of that wagon after just a few short weeks.  i have done that myself, but in january, i made it a goal to start loosing weight.  see, where we go wrong is that we set huge goals that we can't meet.  i set a small goal of loosing just 15 pounds this year.  I did that by the end of May, actually, I had lost 25 pounds.  But then I reverted back to old eating habits and put 10 of it back on.  I am back in the game and have lost 2 pounds again... I will not go back to the old eating habits and will increase exercise and this will be a lifelong journey for me.  I will be fit and that's that.  I may not loose 100 pounds in 7 months like they do on the biggest looser, but I will loos it and keep it off!  I have placed a ticker at the top of my page so that you can see my progress as I go through this journey.  I have started weighing in on Monda...

Date Night

So, we had an impromptu date night on friday night.  And, let me tell you, this will be happening again!  We went on down to Sunset at Pier 60!  It was so much fun!  Dinner at Frenchy's South Beach and that was amazing!  I've never had Buffalo Grouper, and while it was quite the messy thing, it was so very yummy!  As the sun set we had our dinner out on the patio there.  Then walked back down to the pier, to see what vendors were there.  They had some great ideas for gifts.  We were able to see a houdini act, break dancers, acrobatic act, as well as a bucket drummer.  We saw some really pretty dolphin statues around the lawn where they were showing Dolphin Tale on the big screen!   You know, for 9 and a half years now, my kids have been in my every thought.  Making sure they are taken care of etc.  But for one evening knowing they were with their Yaya and being taken care of, we were able to have adult time and not feel...

AMAZING dessert

so, you prolly know we are getting a pretty nasty storm named isaac here in florida today and the weather will be pretty bad through most of the week probably... so we decided since the girls can't go outside to play today, we would make dessert together... somethign we have started doing once a week. this week, we wanted ice cream cake, so i found a recipe on kraftfoods and it's really yummy! this think is really rich, so small servings will be plenty!  it's a great alternative for those who don't care for regular cake and not near as expensive as buying an icecream cake from dairy queen or baskin robbins.  not to mention the fun we had making it!  Mackenzie (9) helped me while Madison (6) played computer.  the hardest part was unwrapping the ice cream sandwiches! it was a very yummy dessert after our homemade chinese pork and veggie stir fry!  i love cooking for my family, and here...

what a week

this week has been crazy.... and mommies think the crazyness ends when they go back to school!  ha!  i've had a crazy bus time thing going on... here's just a glimpse into our week: daily, get up and get kids showered 7 am.  have them ready to walk out the door by 830.  kenzie's bus is SUPPOSED to come at 848, i say supposed because, that's not the case.  Madison's is SUPPOSED to be here at 908.  Again, not the case.  So, for the most part, we are good up until bus time.  we walk kenzie almost 1/4 mile down the road for her stop, then while waiting with mackenzie, the little girl next door gets on her bus, so we have to leave kenzie at her stop and take maddie to hers because it's normally within minutes of alexa getting on the bus that maddie gets on... (this was one morning so far, but still, it's stress on the mommma) then my day goes like this:  work, e mails, chores.  and at 4pm, I head out to the bus stop. here's what that on...

it's one of THEM days....

as you are aware, my kids started back to school today.  it's one of them days.  it's always hard because the first day of school, so many emotions are going strong... there's the emotions of the kids and then there's the emotions of the mommy's.  today i'm sad.  why sad?  i have all this time to myself, which in motherhood is not normal any mom can tell you that.  but with all of this time, comes time to reflect on the fact that my babies aren't babies anymore.  madison is in 1st grade!  it's the big girl grades for her now... and mackenzie is in 3rd grade.  it's really hard to accept for me because i know that soon i will have high schoolers!  when maddie's a freshman, kenzie will be a senior, and well, let's not go there just yet. so what's my plan for the day, well i want to do a hi five for my business, then i'll attack some of the housework.  laundry.  the spare room.  kenzie's room.  the spare bathroom, our r...

crazy weekend

our last weekend before school starts was a crazy one: friday:  a day to help my in laws pack up their house.  they are headed to north carolina for a year and then they will be back!  so we are helping as much as we can. saturday:  i had my c and c meeting with Thirty-One, and I can't go into details about that til after the rest of my team has their meeting.  Once that happens, i'll post all about it.  so excited!  then more packing.  we did get a lot accomplished this weekend! sunday:  church.  we had a great message via Pastor Strayer.  He just knows how to bring it in a way that touches my heart!  i also have some more news that i'll share once it's all finalized, but it has to do with church missions, and my business... and now we are current... the girls are heading to bed soon, and i am gonna have my team call in about 1 hour and 20 minutes... and i am excited to see what EOJ has for us tonight... more updates...

Great FREE math site for elementary kids

Because I have two children in Elementary School, I thought I would be a doll and share our math secret, but before I do, let me give you a little insight as to how we found this site and why we love it.  Last summer, my nieces were over from Orlando and got on the computer to do their "math" for the day.  When they showed me, I spoke to my sister in law about it.  It's a great site that really helps kids remember their basic facts.  So, I signed up for just Mackenzie.  She was going into 3rd grade, and wasn't great at math, so anything that would help is what I was going for.  So she did it off and on last year.  This summer, we didn't really do it.  I actually had forgotten about it, but since school is starting again, I thought why not.  So, here's the jest of it.   Go to Xtra Math  and you will need to create an account.  You will select the grade your child is in or is going into.  I didn't do it for Madison during ...
You Are "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother" You may or may not have the most honorable parents, but you try to respect and honor them whenever possible. In general, you think that people should focus on their families more. Charity begins at home. You also believe that younger generations should do a better job taking care of their elders. It saddens you to see how older people are treated in most cultures. You think it's truly a disgrace. Which of the Ten Commandments Are You? Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity This one was a little fun thing for today.  There's not much going on, so I thought I would post a blogthing. It was cute and fun.  The girls are chilling today and wishing the weekend would go faster, and school would start.  Do you seriously know of kids who wish there wasn't a summer break?  That's my kids for ya!!!  Well, hope to have something more interesting for you tomorrow :)

Our Teachers Rock!

So, here's how the morning went: Madison's school:  was a bit of chaos.  Nothing was organzied for getting the busses, or any other information.  They didn't even have a nutrition area set up.  It was utter chaos.  I've never seen a school set up that way.  Perhaps I can talk with the administration to help come up with a better solution for next year.  Her teacher however is AMAZING!  She's cute, fashionable, knowledgable, and we love her!  Mrs. Lopez is going to be fun to work with this year!  And, she loves Thirty-One!!!  Her favorite color is PURPLE, and we have tons of purple coming out in September!!!  Madison loves her class and can't wait for school to start! Mackenzie's school was a bit better organized, I just wish there would have been a sign to tell parents where to go.  Once we found out where they were all set up and made it through the maze to it, it was set up, signs on tables, and very nicely run. ...

Back to Busyness

We all can relate, I am sure, to the rush of back to school.  There's supplies to purchase, clothes to organize, teachers to meet, kids to get back in routines, homes to reorganize from the summer fun, etc.  With all of this going on, we can all get a bit frazzled.  Well, the frazzling has begun!  We are less than a week away from school starting here and the girls are as excited as can be!  Mackenzie and Madison have had their backpacks packed full of school supplies for a couple of weeks, and so since today is Meet-The-Teacher Day at their schools, I'll be posting another time to fill you in on how that works for us with 2 different schools, 2 different sets of faculty, and 2 different cities for me to drive to for this event.  Before I do that though, I wanted to update you on our week thus far: I've managed to somehow prep all of our food for the rest of the week!  So when it comes to cooking, it's going to be easy peasy!  We had some yummy ...

30 Day Shred Challenge

So, I decided that I would try the 30 Day Shred.  I watched it yesterday and did as much as I possibly could, so I will work up to where I can do the whole workout.  I am so out of shape that it will take me a couple of days to get to where I can do the whole thing without having to stop.  The good news, I did more than I thought I could!  So, tomorrow I will get farther.  The girls are loving doing their workouts!  They even grabbed cans of vegetables to use as handweights!!!  It's amusing to see them decide what they are going to use to workout!  While they are loving this workout, they don't realize how good it is for them I am sure. Ryan left this morning (well 4am)  for Naples for the week.  While we will miss him, we understand that he has to work to provide for us. Mackenzie is totally stoked out for school to start.  She can't wait for meet the teacher day, but then again Madison is really excited as well! I have been ...


today was a typical sunday for us. i got up at about 730 which is my daily norm. got the kids and ryan up at 8 after i had showered and started the process of getting ready for church. we left the house about 830 so we could get there and get the kids all checked into their classes. maddie was moved up to the 1st grade class and kenzie went on into her class. it's great because mackenzie is in a class where they have 2-5th graders so even though she's still in 3rd grade she still gets to be in class with her friends. ryan and i went on into our couples class. and one main thing we came away from class with is this: because the holy spirit lives within both of us, when we are speaking to our spouses, try to remember that we are talking to God as well. this is a very deep thing for us to take in, so it will take some time, but i am sure it will really leave a lasting impact on us. while in couples class, we were asked to put our names/shirt sizes down so that in 2 weeks w...

wow it's almost 9pm already???

it's been a long day, but things are coming together... i e mailed back and forth with Kristen today. She has been where I am with fighting with schools, so she had some very useful information for me. I also got a hold of Mrs. Russell from last year who will be working very closely with me and Mr. Russell (Mackenzie's teacher this year), I got my website fixed, I spoke with my sister in law Angie. and Chyanne and really did make her day! I've worked on work e mails most of the day, as well as some end of summer time with the kiddies... ryan worked a 12 hour day today YAY! and now i'm settling down gonna just chill tonight... my plans for next week include but are not limited to: getting ryan to plant city so he can go to work out of town next week, meet the teacher day wednesday, house work, catalog party, and lots of last week of summer loving for my 1st and 3rd graders!!! Not to mention, I'll have to figure out a sitter for my kids for my meeting on Saturd...

Zephyr Park

So, yesterday, we woke up to a flat tire on our Camry, but not to worry, I already had a back up plan. My friend Deb was already going to pick us up to go to Zephyrhills for the small Spray Park there. So we went, the kids played on the dry playground and then after they were all sweaty and ready to be cooled down, we went into the fenced in spray area. This thing has tons of sprayers, bazooka like water guns, buckets that pour on you etc. While I got tons of great photo's, for some reason my card reader is being a royal pain in the toot! So, I'll have to upload those photo's later. Then on the way home, we dropped Kenzie and Maddie off for a night with Yaya. After that, Ryan picked up the Explorer from her so that he could get the tire fixed on our camry, in the mean time, Deb brought me home, and she stayed the night along with our friend Kevin who brought wings for dinner! It was a great night! and now for today, since I didn't blog yesterday, I wanted to upda...

gettin' ready for back to school...

the girls are excited! woo hoooo! i love that my girls love school! they both get up and don't fight on school mornings which is great!!! so here's the breakdown this year: i have maddie the first grader (doesn't seem possible!) and she's so excited can't wait for meet the teacher day next week! her supplies are almost finished... then it's just put some clothes on lay away for her and we will be good there... then we have kenzie... as you know last year she was in 3rd grade and here in florida if 3rd graders don't pass the standardized test, they fail... well, kenzie was given the opportunity to take a second standardized test and didn't do well enough to go on to 4th grade (after i requested, more than once i might add, that she take this test one on one however they refused to allow it after telling me that the assistant principle would sit in with her) anyhoo, it's going to be a great year for her! although she has had all of this last ye...

work at home mom tips

since i have started working from home, i just wanted to take the time to share this with you. i was reading in parents magazine and came across a great article, and i am only going to hit the very tops of the article here, but here are some great tips for you work at home mom's who are struggling to balance work and family time since you are working out of your home.... first, i know i will be taking advantage of the girls going back to school, so i, for one, will have several hours a day that will be free for work related tasks only. this will do wonders for my business i am sure. now for the ones from the article: you MUST create a schedule! it's very important so that you can balance that work and family time better. you will thank yourself for doing this after you have gotten accustomed to doing it! for the mom's of toddlers, take advantage of nap time! when your little one is snoozing, use this as your POWER HOUR to get as much working as you can done for your bu...

excitement fills the air

here in our house, we are excited for a number of reasons!!! first because JESUS IS ALIVE!!! then the other list: -school is creeping closer! woo hooooooo! -we find out next week about kenzie's sat score -maddie is a 1st grader -we are going cabin camping this weekend! -we have the workshop in september and we are so excited about it -today is the 1st of august, which means big things for me! now to expand on a few of the excitements... cabin camping- we haven't been for like 2 years, but we have tent camped quite a bit. we love the cabins and so this will be a fun trip! it's also our first trip of the year because it's been way too hot for camping! what does today mean? well, a new customer special! for every $31 spent, my customers can get any spirit collection item for 50% off!!! That's an amazing savings!!! So, for every $31 spent, they can get their chioce of color in any of these for the prices listed: large utility tote for 17.50 organizing utility t...

a morning of business

this morning, i woke up with the mindset that i was gonna get things done... and because i am on team ELITE, i decided since a lot of the team is headed to national conference today (i can't afford to go this year) i wasn't going to let that keep me down. we on team elite like to do what we call hi five! so here's the jest of it. hi 5 is where we take an index card and write down the top 5 things we want to get done today. i have done that and so far today i have accomplished more than 5 things i really needed to do today. some of those include: making a new cover photo sporting my business for facebook! august special posted to my group on facebook update information on the auction. reminder for july special ending today reminder for catalog ending in 31 days!!! e mails address box updated and i am about to set up my kit. today is going to be a great day! so Rejoice in HIM!!! and the family update: 20 days til school starts! can i get an AMEN! the girls are gett...


Ok, so it's really early in the morning for me to be blogging. I usually wait until later in the day, but I figured hey, why not get this put on there while it's fresh in my mind!!! First, I have to ask, is AWESOMENESS even a word???? So, as some of my readers already know, my husband and I have been married for almost 10 years. Up until this year, we were hit or miss with church. We would have times where we would be at church every Tuesday night for my Women's group and his Mens group, every Thursday evening for mid week service and every Sunday for service. While we were being fed, I was also volunteering in the 4 year olds class. That can be a challenge in itself. And that's a whole nother post that I should do sometime. But this year, God laid it on my heart to start going to our Couples Class. This class has been amazing! It has taught us both many things, so I was excited to have a Sunday to sit in the class with my husband and not worry if the kids w...


good afternoon and how are you? i am much better today. not feeling nearly as bad as i was yesterday. while i don't have a car to go places due to the hubbs needing it for work nor do i have a phone due to not being able to afford it this month, i am doing well. God blesses us all the time! so to start this post out I give ALL glory to God! now, we all know that the economy has been very bad for a while. I only expect this to continue. with very few jobs out there and the housing market taking the hit it took, everything else has continued to rise in price. we can't let that get us down. at one time we were a 2 car family, home owning, house phone, internet, cable having cell phone carrying family. now we are a one car, internet only, one cell phone, renting family. it would appear that this is a bad spot, but I counter you on that. this is exactly where God wants us to be right now. while i took some time off of work, I am now a work at home mom. I am not in a ge...

busy time

as you all know, we are all having a busy summer. kenzie just finished her summer reading camp with school, and we will know officially what grade she will be in within the next 2 weeks. she took another standardized test, and the results will either push her on into 4th grade or keep her in 3rd grade. for those of you who don't know, in third grade, in the state of florida, all third graders have to take and pass the fcat in order to pass third grade. but they only have to pass the READING portion of the test. mackenzie, bless her heart, took the test, she scored at 175 on it. she needed a 182 to go on into the 4th grade. while this doesn't seem like a lot of a big deal, it is. because her grades were solid c's all year (and many parents would complain if their daughter brought home c's, i do not because i feel that anything over a d is a great effort), she did her best, but due to her feelign the need to rush through her work, she made some mistakes throughou...


Well, I know this may sound silly, but I am in love! I have found the cup we all want for our kitchen! And while many people might want to make sure they have matching cups, I'm going out on a limb here and saying that we want to get a tervis that is personalized to what each of us like. Why do we want these cups? Well, yesterday, at my Celebrate & Connect meeting, we were given Tervis cups for our amenity. (More on that later) And, while I haven't bought them in the past, I was excited to give it a try. I got home and put ice water in it. About an hour later, there still was no condensation on my cup! YES! I love this cup! Now, I have been using it for about a day now and no water circles, no need for coasters, they are dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and according to the website they are virtually indestructable. While they are a bit pricey, I think they are worth it! They run about $11 and up for the 16 oz I was given. So now, on to the amenity that I told ...

decisions and moving on

while you know this week has been a week of decisions, we have gone through the decision making process for quite a while and most of the time i feel like we haven't made the best decisions, but when i think about that i resolve to move on to better decision making. with that said, i woke up this morning and made the decision to go to career central. while many of you might not know what this palce is, it's a place locally that will assist with employment and training to re enter the work force. i got the orientation for the wia program done. i've put in a few applications, and now am working on getting a great resume done. ryan is working on a few things of his own, and i am hoping that sometime soon he will want to blog about that too. kenzie and maddie have been great throughout this whole process... so they will be excited to learn that i stopped in at the y to apply for the open doors program! so i am hoping we can start that soon too. my friend christine has been...

'tis a beautiful day

today is going to be a great day! not only is my hubby home <3 but my girls are having fun and i will be able to see my friend diana at church tonight! missed her something fierce here lately!!! i've printed the application to get my transcript, and just waiting to send it out til tomorrow when i get some stamps. i have ordered the pencil pouches for the girls, so that can be marked off of the to do list... and now i get to do what i love! reading my bible. i only have 1/2 of yesterdays reading to catch up on and then do todays, so i have to get busy, but before i do, i have to say that i am shocked. i mean, i know that there are people out there who are going to try and bring my faith down, but to find some articles on the internet where people are actually suggesting that Jesus was gay???? i mean, geez i just don't get it. i mean, the bible says that jesus was without sin. he was god in the flesh and god doesn't sin. the bible talks about how jesus was uprig...

First Set of Steps

So, I just got off of the phone with the college, and here are the steps I have to take: 1. Submit General Application and $25 Application Fee 2. Submit my High School Transcript (I have contacted the District, so I am just waiting on that one to come in) 3. Apply for Financial Aid as soon as possible. 4. Sit for Placement TEAS test. Submit $50 Testing Fee 5. Go in for New Student Orientation. 6. Attend Advisor Appointment to set schedule and answer any questions. 7. Take Pre Requisites-- A & P 1 and the Lab, Microcomputer Applications, Science of Human Nutrition, and Intro to Psych. So now for the hurry up part of this, to be able to go in January, I have to have all of this done by September 2012, So I think it's safe to say, I'll enter the program next August. While it's a year away, that gives me time to get it all done. I'll have until May to get everything done, so that gives me time to get all of my classes under my belt and be excited for the RN pr...

A great start!

So, you all know about yesterday's post and I am happy to report that I am having a great support from my closest friends! Thank you so very much!!! Here's a very short update: I've contacted my high school district for my transcript! I know it's not a huge thing, but I have to have this first before I can start the process of taking the TEAS test and ultimately starting the Nursing Program! I'll be heading into the community college just as soon as this comes in! After talking with my husband (who is working out of town right now) He's supportive of this decision as I knew he would be. We have talked about it before but never followed through, and this time, there's going to be no stopping me! I'm ready to take this bull by the horns! And with so many of my friends urging me forward and not having attitudes toward the decision, I am really feeling that I can do this. I have spoken to the girls just to inform them of what Mommy is up to and they a...

here's to beginnings

every now and then, we all have trials and tribulations.  and we don't always make the right decisions, so here's to new beginnnings!  ryan and i are embarking on a new beginning in our lives.  we are attacking this bull as a team yanking on the horns.  we will be successful.  and you know sometimes you have to fall all the way down before you can pick yourself up and dust your pants off and work your way up that ladder to success once again.  in the last 4 years, we stumbled, got up and started working toward the top again, but because we were making foolish decisions, we have fallen all the way to the bottom of the ladder, and now we are going to be starting fresh.  while he's had a great job, i have been staying home with the kids.  i will be challenging the state exam to get my certified nursing assistant's license back.  i allowed mine to lapse so i could spend time with maddie before she went to school.  now that she's starting fir...