Although we have aged... Class of 1999 is still teaching us things


Recently, I had the displeasure of missing my 20th high school reunion. We have only been in our new home for under 6 months and so we are still becoming acclimated to our new surroundings as well as having to adjust our budget to meet the new cost of living in our new city. This meant that my husband had to get a new job and that was quite the process. As we are bouncing back from a time where I was the only one working for a couple of months, I was reminded that some of the things I thought I "needed" to do were only wants instead.

  • We didn't get to go to the lake this summer. 
  • We didn't get to go to any of the activities downtown. 
  • We didn't get to go to Pretty Place. 

There are so many things we didn't get to do. This doesn't sadden me at all. It just means that I have the opportunity to plan for them and make our trip next year or later in the fall even more memorable.

Last weekend I was hoping that I would have been able to have gone home for my reunion. It has been 20 years since I've seen anyone from high school and to be quite honest, I needed an opportunity to mingle among people my age who had at least 1 thing in common. We are Pirates. Class of 1999. We are unique.

Since I wasn't able to go, I have been seeing pictures on Facebook of the event. Everyone who was able to go had a great time! One thing I noticed was that although we had all aged, there was the group of people together who taught me so many things.

  • Leah - to believe in myself
  • Jay - that no matter what anyone says I am me and that's all that matters. 
  • Cassie - that even if you don't feel it right now, others love you for you. 
  • Cindy - that as we grow we only become stronger individuals than we were yesterday
  • Leigh - that volleyball is cool! (I may have learned that from your kids though). 
  • Amanda and Amanda - that there couldn't be two more beautiful or more friendly Amanda's on earth and that beauty comes from within. 
  • Rita - that the strength from within will come at the perfect time. 
  • Debbie - that listening to others opinions isn't necessary
  • Shamar - that being "short" is perfectly fine because God only let's things grow until they reach perfection
  • Daniel - that no matter what others say the only thing that matters is that we do what is best for OUR families. 

This is only a small list of lessons that my CHS Class of 1999 has taught me. Many more have taught other lessons over the years and will continue teaching me lessons. The key is for me to remember that no matter how much I age, I must remember the good and not the bad. Focus on the positive because the negative never gets us anywhere. See you in 10 years friends!

Much Love!!!


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