World Changers

As I sit here pondering how amazingly awesome my kiddo looks with all her crazy blue and yellow hair for school today (I'll include a picture below), I can't help but think how awful that spray was for the ozone layer. I then morph into a thought of what would I do if I could change the world?

Really thinking over it, I think I would do what I am already doing and hopefully others would catch on. You see, it only takes one person doing something repetitively for others to catch on and really want to be part of the cause.

For about a year, I have made it a point to do at least one thing that brightens someone else's day. You see, I firmly believe that it is better to spread love than hate. If we make it a point to be nice and uplift others, they will do the same for us.

I think that if we were more supportive of one another rather than critical and demeaning, we would live in a completely different world today.

Think about it:

You are in a public place and someone is having a conversation with a waiter or cashier and realize they don't have the money they need for the basics. Do you ignore that and then make snide comments or do you give the person what they need so they can buy whatever it is they really needed and pray for them?

I would hope you would say the latter of the two. A quick story from a few years back is why I started this. I was having a girls lunch with my bestie, Juanita. Nita and I were just having a blast talking and catching up as we ate our Apple-bee's. We were going to go to Hobby Lobby after for some shopping around. We sat kitty-corner to an older man who enjoyed his lunch. When it came time for him to go, the waitress came and said her manager wouldn't allow her to pay for his lunch this time. My guess is that he was a frequent and that she normally covered his meal from her tips. Without hesitation, I walked over to him and thanked him for his service and laid $20 in hand. This many was brought to tears by the generosity of a stranger who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The waitress came over to my table after he had paid and left to thank me because she didn't feel right making him pay for his lunch after all he'd done for our country. You see he was a war vet and he was left with little-to-nothing with the state of the economy that year.

After that time, I never saw the man again, but I came away knowing that I had just done the work of Jesus by loving on someone in need. I also made the decision that I needed to make it my mission to lift the spirits of others daily. It may not always be by giving money, maybe they only need a friend to listen to them or someone to pray for them. Whatever they need, I like to provide. Some days, it's a sneak attack on Facebook or Slack to let someone know you are thinking of them. Other days it's making cookies and taking them to a neighbor just because.

What can you do to make our world a better place?

And finally, that photo I promised you:

She's all dolled up and ready to show her school spirit! I'm so excited for all that this year has to bring her and can't wait to see where she goes from here.


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