We were lost...

There are times in our lives when we may feel lost. Over the years, I have had my fair share of this feeling. One time comes to mind that I want to share with you. This happened quite a while back, but it is something that I am reminded of frequently.

At the time, Ryan was working for a steel decking construction company. That meant that he was away from home more than he was at home. There were times when he would be gone for months on end. I was a full-time stay at home mom working a 31 business for something to be on the side. I hadn't decided to go back to school yet because I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do. Being that caregiver of two children is a big responsibility.

On this particular day I had to take him to meet the crew so he could go off on a stint of out of town work. I hadn't driven to this location as he normally carpooled with others. We get him there and on my way home, my GPS malfunctioned and had me going the wrong way on I-75. I had no choice but to look for something familiar. In that moment, I uttered the words "Jesus, take the wheel". A few moments later, I received a sign from above. It was a sign for a city and road I knew would take me back where I needed to be. Yes, it was a much longer route. Yes, I was nervous. No, I did not freak out. I knew that I would arrive where I needed to be.

I drove about an hour out of the way going the back roads through a town I had only been in one time, but knew this road would take me back to where we were living because we frequented the other end of the very road I was travelling.

The morale of this story is that sometimes we rely too much on technology and not enough on our own knowledge of our surroundings to get us from point a to point b.

In Isaiah 41:10, we are reminded "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". As we go forth in our everyday lives, I challenge you to remember not to be in fear. The Lord has this!

Just the other day, we had another little "lost" moment. We had driven home from Walmart in Wade Hampton, SC tons of times because it is our preferred store. Not only is it closer than the one here in Greenville, but it's not as busy. This night, we had gone to pick up some of the things we needed for Mackenzie's eagles day at school. On our way home, we didn't even contemplate what route we would take because we knew it well. Or so we thought...

It was dark due to this being one of Ryan's mandatory overtime days. We still knew the landmarks to look for.

We make the first turn. No issues.

We make the 2nd turn and about 200 yards down the road, it's closed. Every emergency vehicle you could think of was there with the road completely blocked. It was time for the little sedan we drive to take a U-turn and we would have to navigate ourselves out somehow.

We took that about-face and found ourselves turning right on a road we had never been on. We traveled down it for about 20 seconds and both realized this wasn't going to help us. We pulled out our technology and programmed in our home. It turns out that staying on that road for a couple miles would take us right where we needed to be.

Being new to the area, we are learning all kinds of ways to get places. We may have been lost for a moment, but like the old hymn says, we were found.

Share a time when you were lost and how that situation was worked out.

The Coxes


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