God is everpresent in our lives....
I have been pretty stressed out here recently, but I know that God is with us because He is always showing me how much He is doing. First, we couldn't get the loan on the first house, then the second one popped up and available. Second, we got approved, but then the lender backed out today. I found a new lender and she is giving us an interest rate that I cannot pass up. I know that it is wierd the way God works, but I know that he will make sure that we are not taking something that we will not be able to afford. Also He has found a way for my soon to be sister in law who is 9 months pregnant to move in with us also. This will help us because when she gets released from the doctor, she is going to get a job so that we can all split the bills and will all be able to save money and raise our young families so much easier. I know that the stress level I have been under lately will start to disappear and I can't wait for that to happen. Also, we may be starting the move next weekend since Mom said that we could go ahead and move into the house and then finish the closing on the house after we get in there. I would really like that. Then that way, we could be getting settled in while we get the rest of the mortgage stuff out of the way. I will keep you all updated. Now for the family stuff. Kenzie went home with her Nana today. She is going to Holiday World tomorrow with her. This is Kenzie's first time going to a Theme park that she will remember. She went to Disney several times when we lived in Florida, but she was a baby, so I don't think that she will remember that. I taught Mom how to use my camera, so hopefully, we will have good pics from the theme park. Kenzie also wouldn't go until I put her Jeep in the back of Big Red (that is what Mom and Pop call their big red pickup truck) so she went to the farm with the intention of teaching Papa how to drive a Jeep. She loves it. Maddie had a great day. She did look around for Sissy though. I saw two of my brothers today, so hopefully I will see them more often. Ryan had an ok day at work. And I just hung out with the exception of the mortgage stuff. Anyway, I am off to bed. Love,
Things have been really hard lately, Xander has just been testing all of his boundries and my patience... so i havent been writing much. Ive also been trying to get some sleep, lol.. but its hard since my other half is working graveyard...
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your loan going not so good.. i hope it works out for you in the end :D im sure it will!!
We are going to a wedding this weekend, my uncle's.. its going to be fun :D
I cant wait to start getting more done with Xanders birthday.. im really excited.. i can believe he is going to be 3 already! Time flies by way too quickly!
Hope you have a great weekend, talk to you soon,