What a weekend....
I had a very busy weekend at work. I mean, it was like I couldn't get anything accomplished, I was just running everywhere. I mean, look at it like this, usually, we are able to get both of our fifteen minute breaks and our 1/2 hour lunch break in each shift. First, we didn't get any of our 15's. And had to force our 30's, so that means, that for first shift none of the 4 of us could take our short breaks and on second none of the three of us did. It really sucked. I couldn't believe how busy it was. I had a patient, who I love to pieces. I admire this woman. She is so very strong with everything going on with her. She started crying at about 10pm last night, I asked her what was wrong, she said, "I know that me going home on Tuesday is going to be a good thing for me, but man am I gonna miss you. You have helped me so much, I just don't know how to express how much I appreciate it." I was speechless. I just hugged her and told her that I would be thinking of her for a very long time, and I hope and pray that all turns out well for her. She is such a wonderful woman. She is a strong christian woman and I just can't believe all that she has come through. I can't say anymore than that due to the law! I got off of the phone with one of the Mortgage guys, they could have us closed on the house by the first part of next week, but they are slowing it down just a bit due to the fact that I am getting a second opinion to see where the best deal for me is at. They both can respect that and I so very much appreciate that they are so willing to work with me on this. I can't wait to get moved in. It will be nice to get over all the stress from buying and moving. I will keep you all updated as I get more info. Kenzie had fun this weekend, she, Maddie, and Daddy all went to help Nana and Papa. They got hay for the horses. Ryan and Papa loaded and then unloaded 125 bails of hay. Ryan said "I don't think I have ever itched that much!" I thought it was funny. Kenzie is watching tv now and Maddie is having a nap, I will keep posting to let you all know where I stand with the house.
Much Love,
Much Love,
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