Lazy Day
Hi all. I have to admit with all the developments that I have had here lately, I decided to take a lazy day. I stayed home. I was available for the mortgage companies, but I didn't do much of anything other than enjoy the girls. Maddie was Maddie. She showed me that she knows how to jump up and down by herself and that she can finally walk without help. She had been crawling a lot still, but now she loves walking. Kenzie hung out and had me make cinnamon rolls. We watched tv some today and I basically just chilled until Ryan got home from work. When he got home, we all had some family time and then I fixed dinner. Ryan then went to watch part of a basketball game(I think) with his friend Maxx. Kenzie played with his golf clubs and Maddie went to bed for the night. Tomorrow I will have to go to Charlestown so that I can charge my cell phone since the charger is in the new house since I was supposed to be there today. I also have to get the water cut on. I need that done so that I can shampoo the carpets. I have already done what I can up there until I get the water on. I also need to put mulch in the flower beds, more plants, clean out the gutters, etc. There is a lot of work to do when buying a home. I am doing more than the average buyer would though since the seller is my Mom. I know that it seems like I am complaining, but I am not. I am just trying to keep everyone abreath on what is happening. Hopefully next week, Pop and Ryan will do the roof. They are cutting us a great deal on it. Pop isn't charging anything exept for 1/2 of the price of shingles and he is putting it on for me. That is awesome! I can't think of anything else going on, but Beth S., thank you for the idea about painting the countertop and then varnishing it to seal it off. Maria, I am glad that you remember that I used to live in the same neighborhood as you. I was quite a loner when I lived there. I hope that we can all get together sometime. Please let me know if either of you need anything. I will do my best to help out where I can!
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