Here Fishy....
I finished the cake that I got ordered this morning. It is quite a last minute thing, but Enedina gave me the say in what I did with it and with it being so nice lately and she said that her daughter would love anything I make, so I decided on this one...
I really liked that design, so I went with it. I hope her little girl likes it.
Kenzie hasn't been up to much here lately other than driving Mommy crazy.
Maddie has been herself. Just getting into everything here lately and talking up a storm.
Ryan and I have been centering on getting some work outside done. This week, we took up all of the landscape timbers so that we can start getting the brick that I want and laying it as we get it. I will love it so much more. We are also working on getting the bushes and plants that I don't like gone so that I can start putting the landscape to better use as far as my tastes go. I am putting in a butterfly garden next spring in the back yard and I want to put in a water feature in the front yard along with getting all of my bushes and all that I like put in. It will definately take me some time, but I think I can handle it.
I don't have any cakes next week, but then in the weeks comming, I will have some. I will keep uploading the pics as I do them.
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