Blog Re-vamp is on it's way

I know, I know. It's been too long since I appeared here. I am REALLY trying to get back into my blog. I allowed life to get in the way, but in that time, I have found a piece of what was missing. Over the next few days/weeks, I will be working to narrow down exactly what I want this blog to become. I still want to share our life with all of our readers, but I also want to make a nod toward our future. Be on the lookout for some amazingness to come! Some of what you can expect until I decide on exactly what I want my blog to be are:

  • Asheville
  • Kenzie and Maddie spending a week with Yai yai and Pappy
  • Summer in Central Florida
  • What we are planning for Mackenzie's Sweet 16 (it's going to be sweet y'all)
  • Steps my career has taken
  • Where Ryan's career has led him
  • Update on each family member complete with a photo shoot of each of us! 
  • What has transpired from 2015 until now
  • and finally, What the next year has for us! 
I know this is a very long list and it will take some time to cover all of those topics, but we want to bring you our very best and that starts with being able to update everyone as to what has occurred while we weren't actively blogging. Some of the things you will find that I will continue to do is bringing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into our blog. 

Before I close, I wanted to share the verse that has really been speaking to me lately. It really has brought me out of my latest bout of depression and opened my eyes. 

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

In this verse, I am reminded just how much I need Jesus on a daily basis. I am also reminded that it is because of Jesus Christ that I can live a free life. Finally, with Jesus, I am here today to share not only our life, but  HIS love with you. 

With much love, 
The Cox Family


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