Make new friends, but keep the old...

Over the course of our lives, people will come and go, but one thing remains... As I have thought back about things I might want to journal or blog about, I keep coming back to how amazing it is to know that I can make new friends, but I also have those true to the core friends that I have known since I was in school.

This spring/summer, I have really come to realize just how important it is to make new friends, but also how much it is critical for me to strive to keep in touch with the old. You see, before I was in high school, I had a hard time making friends. I was very withdrawn and didn't make friends easily. It wasn't for lack of trying, but more because we moved around a lot and I was afraid of getting too close to anyone for too long.

I started my freshman year at Charlestown High School and was enrolled in a life skills class. This class was amazing for me. It taught me not only some of the vital skills I would need after high school, but it also enabled me to learn to lean on others. I was afraid of heights, but we had to do a trust fall. After some coaching, some of my classmates were able to encourage me to trust that they would catch me when I fell from the ladder. I was very afraid to go up very far, but after that experience, I realized that I could trust others. I could lean on them. Prior to it, I had a very small group of friends, but after it, I started to branch out. By the time I graduated, I had a pretty good size group of friends from my  high school. 

After I moved away from home, I lost contact with many of my friends, but thanks to social media, I have had the opportunity to reconnect with them. Leah and Heidi were probably two of my closest friends. They played basketball all through high school and I was the girls basketball manager (basically the water girl). I remember one year going and helping with decorations of our homecoming float and then holding the Rhino down as we paraded through town. It was just awesome! I loved the time we had together. This spring, Leah and I have really reconnected and it feels like we haven't lost a beat. Heidi too. I know that I can take anything in the world to them and they will support me no matter what. They laugh with me, cry with me, and pray with me anytime I ask them to.

We all have our busy lives, but just knowing that two of my oldest friendships remain intact and that I can reach out to them whenever I need to does wonders. No matter if they are at a baseball game with their son or on an airplane for business reasons, I know that they will respond. They are two of the most amazing women I know and I just thank the Lord that he brought us back together.

Each time I think of them, I am reminded of the Girl Scout song Make New Friends. While we do make new friends, we always go back to those we trust the most and have been there with us through thick and thin.

If you ladies are reading this, I want to say thank you for keeping me sane. Thank you for being the peanut butter to my jelly. You two truly have impacted more lives than you know and I love you both so much! :smoochies boochies:


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