Future plans 2018-2019
From birth to now, I have never really found that place that I belong aside from living in Hendersonville. As I stated in a previous post, our hearts have longed for Hendersonville since we left. We knew that we weren't finished. Coming back to Florida was just a means to an end for us. Yes, we were judged for it. Yes it has caused separation from my family, but not without purpose.
"but Jesus told him, 'Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.'"Luke 9:62
When we returned to Florida, it felt like we were looking back. We weren't doing whatever it takes to be successful where we were called. We felt like Jonah when he wasn't listening to the Lord and was swallowed up by the fish. Florida is our fish. We know this isn't where we belong.
Over the last 2 years, we have wrestled with where to go. We know that Ocala isn't where we are called. We have contemplated with everything you can imagine, from New York to Miami. We even thought about going out west and starting over. Every time we think about anything, we always come back to the Hendersonville/Asheville area. It is the only place that we have ever really longed to be. The only place we have felt accepted. Asheville will always hold a dear place in our hearts.
It is with much joy that I reveal our next steps. As the rest of this year closes out, we will be making our preparations for a spring move to the Asheville area. We have realized just how much we need to be there. Additionally, we realize exactly how much we WANT to be there. The Lord is doing great things in us and we are ready to do what he says. He's telling us that we should be going to where when we get off of the interstate for a visit our kids say "Welcome home peeps", yes, that totally happened for spring break 2017.
We know that this will come as a shock to many, but we aren't doing this because it is what others want for us. We are living the life that the Lord leads us to live. We are making this move because we feel it is the right move for our family. If there are some out there who do not agree with what we are doing with out family, that's on them.
Remember, The Lord commands us:
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