Last night of freedom....

Okay, so the title sounds a bit bleak, but last night was our last night before our girls come home from a week with the grands. Yesterday, knowing that we had tickets to a movie, I decided to go in to work a little early so that I could get off of work a bit early. This was a great idea! After a long day at work with issues creeping up, it would happen the one day that we needed to be somewhere, I finally got off and out the door we went.

Since I had chosen the movie, Ry got to choose the dinner. We ended up at Hooters, no surprise there. He loves their buffalo chicken sandwich. I opted for a cheese steak sandwich. While at dinner, something with work came up, so I needed to step outside to make a few calls. This is what I love about my job. I can take care of some things no matter where I am. By the time I was finished with the calls for work, Ryan was finishing up.

Next stop: Burlington. Nothing they had really wowed me. We just walked around for a while. Then we went to the theater early. We were so early that we had to wait outside of the auditorium for a while. We got to talking with some of the couples around us, and to be honest, I was shocked that there weren't more people going to the showing since it was 7:20.

We saw Mama Mia! Here we go again! It was a little hard to get into the storyline if you hadn't watched the first movie, but it really was a great movie. There was one question that was never answered. I came home wondering "How did Donna die?". Watching the trailers, there was this feeling that Donna wasn't going to be in the movie, and for the most part that was true, but just like many others, I wonder what happened to her. That is the only spoiler I will leave since you need to see the movie for yourself.

So, this morning I have chores on the mind and getting ready for the arrival of my little princesses who aren't so little anymore. Tomorrow, we will put up a blog with all of their adventures while they were in North Carolina without us.

Loads of love,


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