Who is Dawn?

Over the years, I realize that I never really introduced the family to our readers. So, without further ado, I'd like to take the next several days to do just that.

Meet Dawn. I like to think that I'm fun-loving and fancy-free. Over the course of this post, we will talk a little bit about me. 
  • Wifey to Ryan since 10/20/2002
  • Mom to Mackenzie and Madison
  • College graduate
  • Training Lead at iScribes
  • Crafter
  • Blogger
  • Interested in Jesus and the bible, among other things. 
  • Loves the outdoors-- take me hiking and I'm a happy camper. 
After just a few of the highlights, let's get down to all of my favorites. 

Favorite fast food restaurant? Firehouse subs. There's just something about them. They have a bit of a sweet taste to them. I could eat a Hook & Ladder for the rest of my life. 
Favorite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry's Fish Food. It's a lot like rocky road, but has tiny little fish shaped chocolates. Those are my favorite. 
Favorite chocolate candy? Reese's. Anything peanut butter combined with chocolate. MMMMMM! 
Favorite fruity candy? Starburst Jelly Beans. 
Favorite flavor Starburst? Cherry
Favorite dish at Olive Garden? Tour of Italy
Favorite kind of sushi? California Roll. I do not like raw fish. That's sashimi, sushi is a rice dish ;)
Favorite Asian dish? Vietnamese-style iced coffee. 
Favorite Italian dish? Ravioli
Favorite food of all time? My mother-in-law's tortellini soup. 
Favorite way to cook a steak? Not hard as a rock but not raw. Probably Medium well. 
Favorite pasta dish? Any pasta dish will do :) 
Favorite cookie? Oatmeal no-bakes. 
Favorite fast food French fries? Checkers/Rally's
Favorite cereal? Raisin bran crunch. 
Favorite breakfast food? Chicken Biscuits
Favorite pizza toppings? steak, onion, mushroom
Favorite fruit? Watermelon
Favorite vegetable? Carrots
Favorite dessert? Chocolate Lasagne. 
Favorite comfort food? Chinese
Favorite way to eat bacon?crispy
Favorite thing at a buffet? sushi
Favorite pumpkin-flavored treat? Pumpkin pie donuts from Dunkin'. 
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving? sweet potato casserole
Favorite cake? german chocolate
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings? hot fudge with nuts
Favorite thing to cook? everything! I LOVE cooking. 
Favorite soda? I try not to drink it, but Code Red Mt. Dew. 
Favorite alcoholic drink? Anything that's not beer. 
Favorite drink at Starbucks? Mocha
Favorite flavor coffee? Mocha
Favorite 80's movie? Back to the Future
Favorite Harry Potter movie? Ummm can I only pick one? ALL OF THEM. 
Favorite Hobbit from the Lord of the Rings? Frodo
Favorite Simpson's character? Lisa
Favorite cartoon cat? Garfield
Favorite TV sitcom? Friends
Favorite cartoon? Scooby Doo
Favorite scary movie? Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them)
Favorite funny movie? Meet the Parents
Favorite celebrity? Kiefer Sutherland
Favorite South Park character? Kenny
Favorite chick flick? Coyote Ugly
Favorite Pixar movie? Cars
Favorite Family Guy character? Stewie
Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie? Titanic
Favorite actress over 50? Meryl Streep
Favorite Marvel movie? Spiderman
Favorite TV show? Live Pd
Favorite cancelled TV series? Bones
Favorite show on the Discovery Channel? Gold Rush
Favorite classic movie? Wizard of Oz

Favorite Beatles song? Hello, Goodbye
Favorite string instrument? Guitar
Favorite instrument? Piano
Favorite band or music artist? Ed Sheeran
Favorite music genre? Contemporary Christian
Favorite style of dance? Ballroom
Favorite boy band? N*Sync
Favorite disco song? Dancing Queen
Favorite 80's song? Livin' on a Prayer
Favorite cover song? God's Plan by Drake
Favorite one-hit wonder? Eye of the Tiger
Favorite song you're embarrassed to like? none. 
Favorite foreign band/artist? Ed Sheeran
Favorite state you’ve visited? North Carolina
Favorite country you want to visit? Italy
Favorite thing about America? Freedom
Favorite kind of vacation? Cruise
Favorite car? Toyota Camry
Favorite road to drive on? Country roads
Favorite way to travel? Car
Favorite beach? Clearwater
Favorite place to go with family? Pretty Place
Favorite vacation you’ve taken? It's coming soon! 
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit? Hogsmeade
Favorite ride at a carnival? Tilt a whirl
Favorite thing to do at the beach? Tan
Favorite rollercoaster? NONE, but if I had to say one it would be Thunder Mountain because that's the only one I've ever ridden that I wasn't forced on. 
Favorite theme park? Disney parks
Favorite thing about traveling? Disconnecting from reality. 
Favorite dinosaur? Pterodactyl
Favorite breed of dog? Doberman
Favorite season? Spring
Favorite flower? Rose
Favorite animal at the zoo? All of them. I don't really dislike any animals
Favorite type of bear? The kind on Main Street in Hendersonville. They are statues that artists have painted. They are my favorite because I can get up close without fear that they will attack. 
Favorite natural disaster? None. 
Favorite reptile? Bearded Dragon
Favorite animal? Giraffe
Favorite bird? My old parakeet Skye. 
Favorite thing in the sky? Clouds
Favorite thing about a rainy day? Reading a book. 
Favorite sea creature? Dolphin
Favorite color rose? pink
Favorite small mammal? White Squirrel
Favorite big cat? Tiger
Favorite thing about spring? Seeing life restored to the dormant nature around me. 
Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet? None. 
Favorite sport? Basketball. 
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do? Parasailing
Favorite Olympic sport? Icedancing
Favorite football team? None
Favorite basketball team? Kentucky Wildcats. 
Favorite hockey team? Tampa Bay Lightning. 
Favorite baseball team? Tampa Bay Rays
Favorite sport to play? None. 
Favorite winter sport? Basketball
Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at? I'm not really interested in playing. I like being a spectator. 
Favorite professional athlete? Michael Jordan
Favorite sport to watch in person? Basketball
Favorite nursery rhyme? Here we go round the mulberry bush. 
Favorite childhood memory? Finally being close to my sister. 
Favorite board game? Monopoloy
Favorite children’s show? Full House
Favorite toy as a child? My dolls
Favorite teacher? Ms. Money
Favorite thing about school? Getting way from my brothers. 
Favorite age? 17 when I moved out from home. 
Favorite Christmas present? The gift of Jesus Christ. 
Favorite Dr. Seuss book? One fish 2 fish. 
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn? None. 
Favorite lunchbox snack? Apples
Favorite Winnie the Pooh character? Eeyore
Favorite thing to do during recess? Swing
Favorite superhero? Spiderman
Favorite video game? None
Favorite color Power Ranger? Pink
Favorite fairy tale? Cinderella because my middle name is Ella. 
Favorite game to play outside? I didn't play many. We lived on a farm and so we had to work most of the time we were home. 
Favorite department store? Kohl's
Favorite place to shop? Kohl's
Favorite store in the mall? Belk
Favorite perfume/cologne? Ralph Lauren Romance
Favorite hair color? Burgundy
Favorite makeup you can't live without? Lip gloss
Favorite shoes? Flip Flops
Favorite occasion to dress up for? Date night
Favorite hairstyle? Layered
Favorite outfit you have? Dress shorts and blouse
Favorite soap scent? Cucumber melon
Favorite article of clothing? Leggings
Favorite place for a piercing? ears
Favorite piece of jewelry? Wedding rings
Favorite thing to wear to bed? Jammies
Favorite luxury brand? Michael Kors
Favorite brand of toilet paper? Charmin
Favorite candle scent? Yankee Candle Pumpkin Pie
Favorite extracurricular activity? Hiking
Favorite day of the week? Sunday, my day to really have time with my Lord. 
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite website? I don't really have one. 
Favorite way to communicate? Text
Favorite Youtube video? Cruise tips tv
Favorite kind of house? One that is home. 
Favorite car color? White
Favorite baby boy name? Matthew
Favorite baby girl name? Miranda
Favorite thing to do when you’re sick? sleep
Favorite person you’ve never met? Tiffany Boddie
Favorite question you’ve answered so far? I'm not sure lol
Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours? Spent time with my girls
Favorite place to meet up with friends? coffee shop
Favorite hobby? crafting
Favorite way to cheer you up? take me on a cruise
Favorite thing to look forward to? serenity in the mountains
Favorite kind of gift to receive? love
Favorite crafty thing to make? everything! 
Favorite way to relax? reading


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