
Showing posts from April, 2007

Uneventful Day

How is everything? Well, I have to say that I had an uneventful day. Kenzie didn't have school today because she doesn't go on Fridays. She stayed home and watched the Doodlebops about a million times while picking up some in the livingroom. She decided she would do that while I cleaned the carpet in the Dining room. I used my carpet machine to do that and I really was pleased with the result. She continued to help out with Maddie and what not as I made the cake for dinner. We had a basketweave cake since I wanted to practice the rope border some more. I really was pleased with the outcome. Maddie had a nap and I started dinner. We had barbecue chicken with broccoli and corn. Everyone loved it. Kent came over for dinner again tonight. He really needs the help and we enjoy the company. After dinner, Ryan helped clean up before going to Kent's house to play football with him on the ps2. I put Maddie to bed for the night and gave Kenzie a bath. We then settled ...

Kenzie's first project for school!

Hey everyone! How are you all? We are doing great! As I am sure you are aware, we are comming upon the Kentucky Derby, which is real big here. Kenzie brought home a note yesterday that all the kids needed to construct and take to school on Thursday a Derby Hat. It was to consist of flowers, horses and anything that would say "Derby" Well, Kenzie and I went to the Dollar Tree to get the supplies so we could make it. She picked out a pink and a purple cowboy hat. She had me help her cut dots out of the pink hat which we hot glued to the purple one. Then we attached a floral ribbon to it and put flowers around the rim with hot glue. On the top she put a horse and flowers with leaves under it. She said that the horse on the top was winning! It turned out real cute. I took a couple of pictures for you! So, that is what we did last night and this mornig before Kenzie went to school. Maddie has been just great today. She does her own thing. When Kenzie got home from school, we took ...

New Pics Are Here!

I know I know. It has been since easter that you got to see any new pics of the girls. Well, I am trying to not upload everyday. I got some cute pics of the kids in the last few weeks. I also got some interesing pics that you will understand once I put them on here. Now for today's happenings. Well, Maddie almost walked. I think I fooled her. We always walk her down the hallway comming from her room. Well, when I put her down this time, I didn't give her my fingers right away and she took two steps then fell flat on her face. It was so funny. She is getting so much closer to walking. As soon as she does walk, I will video it and put it here for everyone to see. Kenzie came home from school and had made another project. I will upload it for all of you to see. She also had a note that said we have to design a derby hat for her to have judged on the Thursday before Derby. I think it will turn out cute. She is helping me make a cowboy hat with polkadots, flowers and a ribbon on it....

Did you pass the Mommy test?

I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty and probably has germs" I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart." I was thinking quickly. "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information."OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy." "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face. When you're finished laughing, send this to a Mom. Someone sent this to ...

Yay! School today!

Well, Kenzie didn't have school yesterday, and you could tell it. She was so upset because she didn't get to go. She loves it so much. I don't know what I am gonna do with her this summer. She just loves school toooooo much. She gets up and has breakfast then gets ready for school. When she didn't need to get ready for school yesterday, that was an issue. She thought that the teacher would be there without her. When she saw that the bus wasn't comming, she started to calm down, but not really. Needless to say, she cried most of the day. I had a headache. It was so bad that Ryan came home from work, dealt with Kenzie and then cooked for me. I was so glad for that. Madison has been experimenting with different textures. She now is doing slices of banana and loves it. She is just growing up too fast. I haven't been up to much. Ryan went to work... that is about it. Love, ~Dawn~

Wow! What a weekend!

Well, this weekend was not one of my favorites. I had a rough weekend. It started on Saturday when I got to work. I had a rough assignment. I managed to get through it. I had some of the toughest patients. It was crazy, but I was able to escape Saturday without anything major happening, I mean, yes I had to send someone to the hospital and got cursed out several times, but all in all, I got through Saturday. Then came time to leave from work. I had the cell phone, so I couldn't call Ryan and see where he was at. He was supposed to get there at like 9:30 to pick me up, he didn't show up. I was getting quite upset when 10:10 was here and he wasn't there since we had made arrangements for me to leave when the fireworks started so that I could get to the river by the time that they were over so to miss a lot of traffic. I had to be back to work early and I needed to make sure I could be home fairly quickly. When he did get there to get me I learned that he left from...

The ride

We had a good day I suppose. Kenzie didn't have school today because she is off on Fridays. She will not have school on Monday, and I suppose that I will be out of my mind by the time that Ryan gets home from work. I have really gotten used to having quiet time while she is in school especially on Monday's after having worked all weekend. She decided earlier today that she needed to go for a walk around the block. She got her shoes on and brought me mine. I asked her where we were going and she replied, walk around block mommy. I put my shoes on and asked her what was next, she told me to get a cup of water for her and one for Maddie. Then she went on to tell me to get Maddie from her crib and put her in the stroller. And we walked two laps around the block. I thought for sure she would want to ride in the stroller about half way around the first time, nope. She did great and listened to me and got to the side of the road everytime a car came by. She was such an ange...

What does your favorite color say?

What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You: Intuitive --- Seeking --- Creative Kind --- Self-Sacrificing --- Growth Oriented Strong --- Very Wise --- Rare What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

"Na, na, na, na, na na"

Kenzie has started singing her new favorite song. It is by Hillsong and I think the name of it is I Adore. She starts bouncing up and down when it comes on and declares "Na, na, na, na, na, na" I love it! She is so cute when she does it. She had a great week at school. She made the bus everyday. The teacher e mailed me today and told me that she has come out of her shell so to speak. Meaning that Kenzie is no longer the quiet child who she has to pry everything out of. Instead she is the chatterbox that you want to shut up if you could find the mute button on the remote, but it is nonexistent. Maddie is enjoying her time with just mommy. She tried to walk again tonight. She is so close she can taste it. She wants to, but she is still a little afraid of doing it on her own. She will in her own time. She went to bed tonight without a cup or bottle or anything. Yes, she cried for a few minutes, but then took hold of her gator and played with him for a few minutes before falling ...

The Completely Horrible Totally Bad Day

Amusing title? No! Completely honest title. Yesterday here we had a very bad day. Kenzie woke up very whiney. She cried over the simplest things. I needed to go to the store and Ryan wasn't home, so I had to wait. She threw a fit because he didn't come home right then so that we could go to the store. Maddie was playing with one of her toys. She threw a fit about that. Then when Ryan did finally get home, I had a horrible headache, so I told him what I needed and sent him with Kenzie to the store, what does he do? Buy her a reward. It toatlly baffled me. She had been such a hard case all day and had been told that she wouldn't be allowed to have anything when we went to the store, what does he do? The exact opposite. I was really upset by this. I know that it sounds trivial, but when I tell her one thing and he goes behind my back and does the opposite, it really demeans me and makes me feel like what I say doesn't matter. Kenzie has to have boundries and he doesn't...

Happy Belated 11 month birthday Madison

Bad Mommy! I had to work on her 11 month birthday. Thank goodness that I took a couple of pics on Friday. Madison decided that she would show me what an 11 month old growing little girl can do. She stayed up and refused her naps today. I still made her stay in her crib though. She was in the crib and cried for a few minutes but when she figured out that I wasn't going to get her out of there she made her own game of playing with her lion and aligator in between her jumping spells. She was so funny. She would jump and play then yell "MOMA" and start it over again. She was so cute when I got her out too. She wanted to walk down the hall way holding on to my fingers. I just know that she will be a walker soon. Kenzie had yet another great day at school. She came home from school with a pasta neclace. She informed me that "Amanda helped me make a necklace" I said really. She responded with "Zachary and Sydney made one too mommy" I am so h...

Mommy and Me!

I am looking for a group of ladies with children ranging from 1-5 who are interested in forming a mommy and me group to do play dates at a local park. If you are interested, please comment to me. I am located in Jeffersonville, In. I would really like to keep it located right around here as when my husband is at work, if I need to go somewhere I put the kids in the stroller and walk them to and from our destination. Thanks and have a great day!


Surprises are nice every now and again. I promised that I would put the Easter pics on here as soon as I could get them done. Thank you Beth! You did a great job editing them! They look Great! Need I say more! Happy Easter Sissy! I love you this much! "Mom, she won't kiss me!" "Mama, I wanna egg!" Mommy, is this what you mean by play with the eggs while you take my picture? Isn't she so cute with the mischievious smile on her face? She totally has the Cox thing where when she smiles, the eyes go shut! So innocent, until proven guilty. Oops did I say that! Laugh out loud! Kenzie was such an angel this day. She did everything I told her to when we were taking the pics. I loved it. Beth, you did a wonderful job with this pic. I love it. Love my pics in black and white so I just had to share with you! Cool effect! Black and white with color selection. It really looks great! And Maddie loved her empty plastic eggs. She still finds them and tries chewing on th...

Eventful Day

Well, after I posted the bible study this morning, I had a somewhat eventful day. It started by my Mom comming to watch the kids so I could go to Kenzie's school. I arrived at Spring Hill Elementary for this meeting so that I could get Kenzie all set up for a complete evaluation since her speech seems a little behind and we want to know exactly where her learning is right now so that we can help her best that way. After I got there we had to wait for Sharon, she is the one who does the paperwork for this evaluation. She was running late, she arrived and we went over everything. She told me that it might be September before she can actually get Kenzie's eval complete. The reason is coz we are comming up on Summer Break. If not for that we would get the evaluation completed a lot sooner. Anyway, I stayed and chatted with Amanda (her teacher) for a few minutes then I was off to the homefront so that Mom could return home because she needed to put in a few more hours work. ...


I normally don't post these here, but I felt like this lesson was really important. I hope you all feel the same way. Enjoy and I will do the actual post later today. Verse for the Day: Judges 6:15 "But Lord," Gideon asked, "how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." Passage for the Day: Judges 6:1-16 Author: Florence Littauer Some of us feel that it is a lack of money that holds us down. Gideon replied to God's request, "But Lord... how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least of my family" (Judges 6:15). With no finances behind him at all, Gideon was turned into a wise prophet by God's commanding power. Many times I have had sweet Christians tell me they cannot have friends in for fellowship because their house is too small, or because their talent is too slight. But these are only excuses for our unwillingness to do as God has asked us. "Offer ho...

Quickly, before the outage.

Today was a blah day. I will make this quick as I see the scheduled outage. Kenzie went to school. And had a great day. Ryan had a good day at work. His knee is still hurting from the other night when he got hurt as we were playing outside with Kenzie. Maddie learned that she loves cereal bars today. I break them up real small for her and she loves them. I made a Spiderman cake tonight. I already have a pic of it on the blog, so I will not be doing that one again. I guess that is all that happened today. I will post again if I think of anything. Lots of love! The Cox Family

Walnut Ridge Baptist Church

Well, Ryan and Kent have been going to the church on the corner for a few weeks now and seemed to like it, so I decided to give it a try. We had Kent over for dinner again tonight and after we ate, I got the girls dressed and we all went to church. Kenzie got enrolled in a club there called AWANA. It stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, which was taken from 2 Timothy 2:15. She loved it. She was so in love with the fact that this church unlike the one we were attending not on a regular basis has kids her age she can relate to. While Kenzie was in Cubbies (her age group for the AWANA club) Ryan, Kent and I took Maddie into the sanctuary with us. She of course got vocal, just talking up a storm, and out of respect, I took her to the lobby and sat her down, all she wanted was to crawl everywhere. When I did that she piped right down and crawled and crawled. She was in baby heaven being let down. They didn't have a nursery worker tonight, so she had to be with us. I ...

A Little Sport Star in the Making

Tonight after I had already posted once today, we had quite a lot of fun. We had Kent over for dinner and then we all went into his back yard for some after dinner fun. It started with us just playing monkey in the middle with Kenzie. She brought her ball over and the three adults would kick it to each other to try and keep it away from her. The it transitioned into teaching her the different things for soccer. And finally T Ball. She loved it! She bat's Left handed! We had so much fun. I just had to put this in here. Though Ryan hurt his knee by hyperextending it. He will be just fine. We will try and get pics the next time, we were all just having so much fun that the camera was the last thing I was worried about at the time.


Yes, I know I went the cheaters way out, but I think it was well worth it. I only put one pic here today because I am working on something with the others. I decided that I would wait and take the pics of the girls in their dresses when it was a little warmer. I love the outcome. When I get my little project done, I will put more in here. Kenzie had another great day at school. She loves going and gets up early to get dressed just because she wants to ride th bus. Maddie decided she would stand on the grass when we were outside getting pics today. It was so cute and yes one of the pics I have is with her standing. I will get another on soon that I can put on here if the project isn't done soon. Ryan has to work late tonight so I will be here for a while by myself again. I have so much to do this week. It is unreal. I have three cakes and a meeting with the school not to mention Uncle Ivan is in the hospital. Pray for him and Love to you all The Cox Family

I got my exercise today that is for sure!

Well, I have to say, I got my exercise today. Kenzie was getting ready to go to school and ran to the bathroom, while she was there, I was putting her shoes on her and she missed the bus. He didn't even honk. I immediately got Madison dressed and put them both in the stroller. We then took off for a long walk. I walked her to school. It is about a thrity minute walk each way. Needless to say, I have been a little tired since getting home. Maddie took a bottle and went to sleep. I laid down and tried to nap, but was afraid that I would miss the bus bringing her home if I fell asleep. So, I stayed awake. Kenzie got home from school fine and we are now having a good afternoon. I am going to try and go to the hospital to see Uncle Ivan tonight when Ryan gets home from work.. Speaking of which I need to call the hospital and see what he wants for dinner. I think I will take him some dinner tonight instead of just visiting. Anyway, I will let you know how that goes at another time. Love ...

Please no shots Mommy!

Well, today was Kenzie's four year check up and I was regretting it yesterday! I knew that she would have to have shots, I just didn't realize that she would have to have a cbc also. I took her in and she was like, "Mommy, why we at Maddie's doctor." not realizing that they have the same doctor. They checked her in and the crying began... First the nurse and I had to talk her into getting on the scale to be weighed and measured. After that, we had to talk her into letting the nurse give her arm a hug. That was our big mistake. You see the hug was a blood pressure cuff, and Kenzie freaked out when it got tighter. She wasn't expecting that. We called it quits and they documented that she refused a bp to be taken. They used a thermometer that you rub across the forehead and got her temp which was fine. We then went to the room to wait for Dr. Morgan. It wasn't long before she came in and here was the drama once again. Kenzie hulled up in the corner not wantin...

Mommy's Mothers Day Present 2006!

We found out we were pregnant on 10/12/2005. I knew because I am regular and I was late. I took an over the counter test that came out positive. I then made an appointment for the obgyn. He also confirmed it. We kept it a secret until after we got home from our vacation to Indiana. While we were here, I had my mom to pick up a t shirt for Kenzie from the hospital that she works at. The shirt said "I'm the big sister". When we arrived back to Florida, we had Kenzie wearing the shirt. We parked the car and let Kenzie go running into Yaya and Pappy's house. Aunt Amanda saw the shirt first! She was so excited for us. Yaya saw it second and looked excited, but unsure at the same time. Pappy wasn't home yet. When we heard them comming in the driveway, I held Kenzie up while Amanda videotaped it. Kenzie was screaming "Pappy" while he was reading, "I'm the WHAT?" "No, Ryan is this a joke" Ryan says no. I had what they considered an uneven...

The Story of Mackenzie Lynn

I thought that since I haven't done this, I would try and give you as much as I can possibly remember of Mackenzie's story. The year she was born, we were living in Clearwater Florida. Ryan and I had gotten married in October a few months before she was born. I was unaware of being pregnant due to some circumstances, first, I had my period every month, second, I didn't gain weight, and third, I didn't feel her move and the doc said that she was very active probably but that because I was heavy, I probably wouldn't feel her move. I worked the day before she was born at the nursing home and lifted someone I should have used a mechanical lift with, but we always lifted her manually because she was skin tear prone. After work, Ryan and I went to an arena footbal game, I figure that walking all the steps caused labor to set in. I was up and down all night. The next morning, he said that's it we are going to Mom's to get in the hot tub, that will make your back fe...

Kenzie had a great day!

I got an e mail from Amanda Monroe today (she is Kenzie's teacher). She said that today was the first day that she has seen Kenzie initiate a conversation with the kids in her class. She also said that they studied the color purple today and that Kenzie showed them all her jacket. She had worn her purple Ariel jacket that Yaya and Pappy had given her. She was so excited! The teacher was so pleased with Kenzie today. She came home from school telling me about her day. Maddie is pretty much the same as yesterday. Ryan is taking sick time tomorrow since we have to take Kenzie for her shots. That should be an interesting venture. I am so not looking forward to that since she is 4 and can fight back when they come at her with a needle. I don't have anythign new for today I don't guess. I think that things have pretty much been the same, just wanted to mainly update you on the Kenzie school day thing! Take care and another update will come soon! Love you lots!!

How many teeth did you say?

This morning, I noticed Madison was chewing on things more than normal. I decided I would take a peek in her little mouth, quite the job I might add. I found that she has two bottom teeth right in the front and not one, not two, not three, but four top teeth. Wow! She is getting chompers really fast here lately! She was so close to taking a step a couple of days ago. Now she acts like she is scared to do so. Kenzie came home from school today and told me "Mommy, my boyfriend's name is Zachary!" I just started laughing at her. We have teased her a little about sitting next to a little boy in the pic her teacher sent me on her first day of school. She has now decided to tell me who her boyfriend is! It is so cute. She also told me that she had a corndog and milk with katsup for lunch and that her teacher's name is Miss Amanda. She also went on to say that she wears her seatbelt on the school bus and that she loves riding the bus (it isn't like we didn...

Course 3 is Finished!!!

I just got home from my last class and thought I would share the pics of my cakes now. This is the cake I did tonight. I loved the outcome. I thought it turned out great! This was the first cake I did in course 3. Kenzie loved this cake. It turned out very nice I thought. But then I am very hard on myself when it comes to cakes I make, so I judge very harshly. Like the border could have been much better, but I had been sick and the car had troubles and all of that stuff. This cake was made for one of my mom's friends at work. Pat was having a birthday for Bill. He loved this cake and said that he wants me to do his cake every year. Pat gave me free reign on this design. She said that as long as it said Happy 39th Birthday Bill she didn't care what I did. I wasn't very pleased with the little man, but he was the first one I had ever done. This was the final cake in course 2. I loved the basketweave and rope. My flowers need some work, but that comes with practice and now th...

Mrs. Cox the Mechanic

Good evening all! Yes you read that right. I had to help fix my car tonight. It has been doing this sputtering thing for a few weeks now. My brother was supposed to come and fix it for me, but he was a no call no show. Anyway, Ryan and our neighbor Kent decided they could do it since it was only a fuel filter. The guys couldn't figure out how to turn off the emergency fuel intake. So I came to the rescue. After a few minutes, I had it done. We started the car and let it run out of gas so to speak. We had to let what was in the lines run out so that they could change the filter. Kent got that done in a few minutes and as we drained what was left in the old one, we could see nothing but black! Yuck! We really needed it to be changed. After running the car for a while after I enabled the fuel intake again, it was still sputtering, so I called Pop. He said, go out to your car and open the gas cap. After I did that, there was no more sputtering. This wasn't the end of the mechanic t...

God Speaks When We Need It Most

I know that title is strong, that is just what I wanted it to be. I had an experience that I really needed tonight while I was at work. I had a situation that angered me really bad and had earlier asked a family memeber who was going to have their church do a bible study in the dining room to write the verses down for me so that I too could do the study at a later time, he did and right after the bad situation that angered me, Jackie (one of the girls I work with) walked up to me and said "That man told me to give this to you" I folded the piece of paper without looking at it and put it in my pocket. I got it back out later when I had had the chance to cool my jets a little. I looked at the paper and it said: Anger James 3:2-5 James 1:19-20 John 2:13-22 Luke 19:45-48 Proverbs 15:1&18 Genesis 49 & 50 all verses I truly believe that God was putting my anger in check. When I saw this I cried tears of Joy because at that moment I realized that God loves me for me a...