A Little Sport Star in the Making

Tonight after I had already posted once today, we had quite a lot of fun. We had Kent over for dinner and then we all went into his back yard for some after dinner fun. It started with us just playing monkey in the middle with Kenzie. She brought her ball over and the three adults would kick it to each other to try and keep it away from her. The it transitioned into teaching her the different things for soccer. And finally T Ball. She loved it! She bat's Left handed! We had so much fun. I just had to put this in here. Though Ryan hurt his knee by hyperextending it. He will be just fine. We will try and get pics the next time, we were all just having so much fun that the camera was the last thing I was worried about at the time.


  1. *Giggles* You knew I'd ask for pics! I remember playing kickball once when we were kids and you were about Maddie's age. It was a fond memory because it's the only one I have that didn't end up in Mom being beat up. I don't even remember alcohol there. I do remember me changing your diaper in your room and the ball came crashing through the window and scared me so bad I almost pee'd!


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