Please no shots Mommy!

Well, today was Kenzie's four year check up and I was regretting it yesterday! I knew that she would have to have shots, I just didn't realize that she would have to have a cbc also. I took her in and she was like, "Mommy, why we at Maddie's doctor." not realizing that they have the same doctor. They checked her in and the crying began... First the nurse and I had to talk her into getting on the scale to be weighed and measured. After that, we had to talk her into letting the nurse give her arm a hug. That was our big mistake. You see the hug was a blood pressure cuff, and Kenzie freaked out when it got tighter. She wasn't expecting that. We called it quits and they documented that she refused a bp to be taken. They used a thermometer that you rub across the forehead and got her temp which was fine. We then went to the room to wait for Dr. Morgan. It wasn't long before she came in and here was the drama once again. Kenzie hulled up in the corner not wanting to let the dr. look at her at all. After some persuasion, we were able to coax her into talking to Dr Morgan. At the end of the visit, Dr Morgan said, she is well above average on her height for her age, and she is slightly above average on her weight. She said this could be due to just comming out of winter and that she will probably trim down thru the summer, I have already seen some trimming down. We now waited for Elizabeth to come in. When she did, she pricked Kenzie's finger to get blood for a CBC. She said she would call me with the results. Then while I chased her around the room to get her and put her on the table, Elizabeth blocked the door coz Kenzie was exit bound. When we got her on the table, I held her top half down while Elizabeth got her bottom half. She did the shots in her leg first and then her arm. It was so hard to hold her down with knowing that she didn't like this one bit nor did she understand how much these shots would really do for her. She thought we were being mean to her, but really they are so very necessary. After we left there, she got really happy. We went home and she pulled her pants down to show daddy her bandaids and said, "Daddy, I got shot" and up with the pants. It was so wierd. She almost acted proud of having the shots.

Now on to Maddie. She has been quite the character. I have started when I get her out of the crib, we walk with her holding my fingers down the hallway to the living room. She thinks this is the greatest thing. I stood her up this morning and let go of her. She stayed standing for a good thirty seconds on her own. Then this evening, she used Ryan's empty golf bag to get to standing and then let go. I screamed with delight which scared her and she immediately got into crawling position. Darn, I couldn't get a pic. Me and my big mouth!

Ryan went and hung out with his friend Max today. He had a good time.

I will be working a double on Saturday and Sunday, so this is it for this week, I will fill you in on the happening over the weekend on Monday.

God Bless and Happy Easter
The Cox Family


  1. Oh my, Shots, I'm so glad that is over. It took several nurses, me and my stepmom to hold Lucky down and then even my Dad had to come in!

    Then, she broke some guys nose over him comming at her with wire cutters when her jaw was wired shut. I told them to put her under! A broken nose and broken glasses later, she was put under and the wires were clipped.

    Should have listened huh?

  2. Dawn,

    Yes, I do remember you. I have been so busy I haven't been able to post any comments. I'll try to when things slow down.



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