The Completely Horrible Totally Bad Day
Hello Everyone, Maddie here, I am 11 months old. I know how to stand by myself now. I am still a little scared to walk by myself. I hold on to Mommy's fingers and walk up and down the hallway with her. I took my first step last week. I think I scared myself. I haven't tried that since. I love to play with my big sissy. She is so fun. I love to jump in my crib. I can feed myself crackers but my favorite is small pieces of cereal bars. They are so yummy. I have 6 teeth now. Four on the top and two on the bottom. Mommy says that she can feel more ready to come out any day now. I love napping with my lion. He sings songs to be before I go to bed. I love you all!
This is the new Spidey cake. I really liked it better than the first one because the green kind of made spidey jump out at you. I had originally decided after doing the first one that I wouldn't be doing this particular cake again, but I think that with this one comming out as good as it did, I will continue doing this particular pan if someone wants one. I have a wedding cake commin up, so I will just have to see how it comes out.
Lots of Love to Everyone!
The Cox Family
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