I got my exercise today that is for sure!

Well, I have to say, I got my exercise today. Kenzie was getting ready to go to school and ran to the bathroom, while she was there, I was putting her shoes on her and she missed the bus. He didn't even honk. I immediately got Madison dressed and put them both in the stroller. We then took off for a long walk. I walked her to school. It is about a thrity minute walk each way. Needless to say, I have been a little tired since getting home. Maddie took a bottle and went to sleep. I laid down and tried to nap, but was afraid that I would miss the bus bringing her home if I fell asleep. So, I stayed awake. Kenzie got home from school fine and we are now having a good afternoon. I am going to try and go to the hospital to see Uncle Ivan tonight when Ryan gets home from work.. Speaking of which I need to call the hospital and see what he wants for dinner. I think I will take him some dinner tonight instead of just visiting. Anyway, I will let you know how that goes at another time.
Love you all!

Edit: I forgot to add this earlier. Since it was so cold, we decided that in a few weeks when it is warm again, I will dress the girls in their dress and take them in the back yard and hide eggs. Then take pics of them finding them in their easter outfits. I thought this way, we could get some good pics outdoors. I am sort of getting tired of the indoors pics. I want some with nature involved. Thanks for understanding!


  1. It's true, He didn't honk! I was on the phone...er...computer the whole time!

    Anyway, Sis, did you go see the tall one we know as Uncle?

    Bright pics are gonna be fun! I like outdoor pics the best. You know I still have film from fla! I NEED to get them developed!

    Thanks for the walmart story. Kenzie is a hoot!


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