God Speaks When We Need It Most
I know that title is strong, that is just what I wanted it to be. I had an experience that I really needed tonight while I was at work. I had a situation that angered me really bad and had earlier asked a family memeber who was going to have their church do a bible study in the dining room to write the verses down for me so that I too could do the study at a later time, he did and right after the bad situation that angered me, Jackie (one of the girls I work with) walked up to me and said "That man told me to give this to you" I folded the piece of paper without looking at it and put it in my pocket. I got it back out later when I had had the chance to cool my jets a little. I looked at the paper and it said:
James 3:2-5
James 1:19-20
John 2:13-22
Luke 19:45-48
Proverbs 15:1&18
Genesis 49 & 50 all verses
I truly believe that God was putting my anger in check. When I saw this I cried tears of Joy because at that moment I realized that God loves me for me and he doesn't want to see me doing things that would make Satan jump for joy like the anger that was boiling up in me. I immediately thought of a passage from the bible that I remembered from when I was in sunday school as a child "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger" It turnes out that that passage is one of the verses listed in James. I just couldn't belive it.
Now on to other things, Ryan has been trying a new church out for a few weeks and he took the girls to it for the first time today. He said that Kenzie went to childrens church and Maddie went to the nursery, something that the church we were attending didn't have due to the one being so small that we didn't have enough members to do that with. He said, I was so lonely sitting on the pew without the girls, but they had a blast. They went to my Pappy's birthday party yesterday, he said that they all had a great time. And I think that is all the updates for tonight. I will try and update you tomorrow after Kenzie gets home from school since that starts back this week Yay!
Lots of love and prayers,
The Cox Family
James 3:2-5
James 1:19-20
John 2:13-22
Luke 19:45-48
Proverbs 15:1&18
Genesis 49 & 50 all verses
I truly believe that God was putting my anger in check. When I saw this I cried tears of Joy because at that moment I realized that God loves me for me and he doesn't want to see me doing things that would make Satan jump for joy like the anger that was boiling up in me. I immediately thought of a passage from the bible that I remembered from when I was in sunday school as a child "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger" It turnes out that that passage is one of the verses listed in James. I just couldn't belive it.
Now on to other things, Ryan has been trying a new church out for a few weeks and he took the girls to it for the first time today. He said that Kenzie went to childrens church and Maddie went to the nursery, something that the church we were attending didn't have due to the one being so small that we didn't have enough members to do that with. He said, I was so lonely sitting on the pew without the girls, but they had a blast. They went to my Pappy's birthday party yesterday, he said that they all had a great time. And I think that is all the updates for tonight. I will try and update you tomorrow after Kenzie gets home from school since that starts back this week Yay!
Lots of love and prayers,
The Cox Family
Well, your telling me about this post as we speak on the net, so I shall comment in person.
ReplyDeleteYay Jesus!