
Showing posts from March, 2008

Maddie, would you just go to sleep?

Last night in the middle of blogging, I heard a scream like I have never heard before. It was Maddie in her crib scared like you wouldn't believe, she was inconsolable for the longest time. I finally put her in bed with me, she took a while to calm down, then went to sleep and was up and down all night. I think maybe she was over tired because she didn't get a nap, but needless to say, Mommy didn't get much sleep last night. Amanda seems to be doing better. Kenzie on the other hand wouldn't go home with my mom tonight. She started screaming when I went to drop her off and said "I don't like her!" and "I won't go to Nana's house! I go to Aunt Candy and Uncle Punk's house!" We don't know what the problem was, but while Mom was still with me, I called Candy and arranged for her to watch Kenzie tomorrow and Maddie went to Mom's. I don't know what has gotten into Kenzie lately, but she did the same thing last weekend,...

Not so Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was a rough one Amanda had surgery today, so far all is well. I watched Maddie, Ellie, Anthony, Betty, Kenzie, Elizabeth, and Nick so that Ryan could work, Shawn and Lucy, and Kevin and Candy could go to the service for Shifter and support Joyce. I would have loved to have been able to go and say a final goodbye to him, but someone had to keep the kids, and that someone was me.... So there was my day, being driven crazy by a bunch of kids ranging in age from 12months to 6 years. All very young, but I have to admit, the one that I thought would be a little trying was the best! Nick, thanks for being such a good big boy. You don't know how much that helped me. The rest of the kids were just kids.... And there you have it. My day... I am off to bed now! Dawn


I often wonder how I get by doing everything on a daily basis. I mean, in a typical day, I get Ryan up for work and off, get Kenzie up for school, then put her on the bus after feeding her and dressing her, brushing teeth, finding backpack etc., work on some of the school work I have until Maddie wakes up, then I change and feed her, am potty training her too, I then proceed to clean up the dishes from breakfast, make any icing decorations that I may need for pending cakes, continue tidying up the house, this could include but isn’t limited to: laundry, sweeping, mopping, dusting, windows, vacuuming, scrubbing toilets etc., then it is time to get Kenzie off of the bus and have lunch. Dishes again. Playtime with the girls either in the play room or outside. Then about the time that Ryan comes home from work we go in and cook dinner, then bathe, books, and bed. By that time I am exhausted, but can’t go to bed because I have to finish my homework, so How do I do it? Well, in my uneducated...

Home work, grades, Amanda, etc.

Homework-- IT'S DONE! Yay! I had a bunch of reading to do, a post on the school blackboard, a 5 page essay to write, the constitution to read, and I still have a little to read for next week, but all in all, it is under control. Grades-- So far, I have recieved full credit for all assignments, so I am doing great in this first class. Amanda-- Is back in the hospital with the same intestinal stuff going on. Please pray for her! Ryan opened my birthday present from Roy and Carol! THANKS A BILLION! They got me the tilting cake wheel I had been wanting. it just makes decorating cakes so much easier to be able to tilt itback and forth so that I can get the sides done correctly the first time. Dustin-- called mom and had her have me call him because of Shifter dying. So I did. I guess that is about all that is going on here other than I am making a cake for Joyce. She wanted to have some food at the house after the memorial service on Thursday, so she asked me to make a cake, and...

Shifter, you are in my prayers

Hey all, not so happy news today. A dear friend of ours passed away unexpectedly on Friday and we got the news today. His name was Shifter. Please be praying for our friends and family in this situation. Joyce has taken it really hard. Candy is getting by. Kevin is trying to help as much as possible. Alvin is keeping as busy as he can to not think about it. I am here for them as much as I can be, but my heart is aching for them all the same. The visitation is on Wednesday night and Memorial Service is Thursday. I will be going to the Visitation and keeping my girls and Kevin's boys during the service on Thursday because I don't think Shifter would have wanted the children to have to see him in the funeral home. I am praying for him and Joyce at this time. Hope to have a happier post tomorrow. The Cox Family

Easter 2008

Nana helping Maddie find Easter Eggs. Isn't this just too cute? One of the ladies helping Kenzie! "So this is what an egg is?" Awwwwwwwww Such cute girls we have here! Could they possibly be sisters? Mommy, I am running away from you! Look at the pretty poser! Can't get me Mom! Nana, what do I do? Finally getting the drift! The easter egg cake I made for Jackie Kenzie counting her easter eggs Holding daffodils from our flowerbed to take to church to Nana. Are we going to see Nana? Sitting pretty! So, today, Ryan worked first shift for me so I could get the girls to church and egg hunt. I got there in plenty of time and admired my lil angels! They were so cute! The dresses I found at Walmart a couple of months back and hoped that Kenzie's would still fit her. The sweaters and shoes, Carol and Roy sent them. Looked perfect today! Thanks abunch. Hope everyone had as good of easter as we did! Love, The Cox Family

Pics of... bunches of stuff!

Kenzie sporting her Easter Hat! She wanted one, so we put her in last year's dress so that we could save the pics of her in this years dress for after Easter Sunday! You know "keep 'em in suspense"! My 'lil' posing sweetheart! Love when I can get pics like that one! "Rock a bye myself!" "Look Ma, I can do it all by myself" I love it when she discovers something new she can do all alone! Here is the first of my discoveries outside. Don't mind the leaves. I think they may be providing warmth for the lil flowers! Pretty discovery number 2! And a spot of sunshine on the side of my house! Oooh a darker purple suprise! Lovin it! Hmmm wondering what this was aren't you? Well, I discovered today that ONE person in my house will eat the rejected jelly beans! Kenzie, Ryan and I detest black jellybeans, but it appears that they are Maddie's favorite and there is the proof! All the nasty black juices draining from her mout...

Spring Break Begins with a Report Card

Kenzie brought home her report card today. It was so nice opening it and finding this comment: "Kenzie has made progress in a few of the cognitive developmental areas! Keep up the work you do at home with her!" THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT BRITTANY! so now, In Literacy/Language Foundations, She is Satisfactory in Watches and listens to a story. She has made progress in: Becoms familiar with rhymes/rhyming songs Identifies words/sounds as same or different Listens for beginning sounds Identifies sequences of events Categorizes and classifies Follows Directions :) Describes pictures in a book Tells a story from a book/picture Retells a story Matches and names basic colors Matches letters Recites the alphabet in sequence Recognizes own written name Identifies 10+ alphabet letters by name In Writing Foundations Kenzie made progress in all areas! These include: Holds pencil with fingers Copies lines and shapes Draws a recognizable person Cuts lines and simple shapes Colors witin l...

Miss Brittany E-Mailed me

Miss Brittany sent a reply to one of my e mails and I just thought I would share it with you all: I have seen the improvement with Kenzie on some cognitive development! I am still worried about her with games, and being asked questions. She didn’t do very well with Ms. Walton the other day in speech (yesterday actually). Ms. Walton asked questions like what you need to do if your hands are dirty, and Kenzie couldn’t tell her to wash them or wipe them off. I went through a stack of picture cards and she did pretty well labeling them, but a lot of the time she couldn’t tell me the function. It would really help if you could go over some of these at home, explaining what different things are for (mixer to mix batter, or you have to put batter into a cake pan in order to get a cake). The only other thing I can think of is playing board games with her. She likes to just watch the other kids play them; it really is a battle trying to get her to participate, and after explaining what t...

Updates... Overdue....

I realize that I haven't been blogging. I am sorry for my loyal readers. Namely Amanda! Sorry for messing up your morning routine of Coffe, News stories and The Cox Family Blog. Oops will try to be better.... Wednesday night we went to church. Thursday not much happened. Ryan worked. I did homework and Kenzie went to school. Nothing new there. Friday we dropped the girls off at mom's house and I baked a cake. I will have to upload the pic soon, but want to get rid of some of the pics on my comp before I upload it here. Hope you understand. Anyway, back to the cake. It was a bible with a cross on the top of it. It was laying open and everyone loved it. We didn't get home til late, but we made it. Saturday I worked and so did Ryan. Sunday I worked and Ryan picked the girls up at church and learned how much everyone LOVED the cake. It was great to know that they appreciated my artistic ability. LOL! anyway. Monday: Kenzie almost missed the bus but made it just i...

A New Hairdo!

Miss Missy fixed Kenzie's hair at school today and here are the results. Obviously the back! We are still upset that her hair is gone, but I think she is cute anyway. talk to you soon! dawnie


My first class is called Proseminar. It is going well. I got my first 3 assignments graded today and I got 25 out of 20 points! Great! I am currently working on my research paper and my Learning Autobiography part 1. So, I am knee high in lots of writing. Kenzie has cut her hair this week. I shaped it up a little, but Miss Missy (one of the aides at school) is a beautician, so she is going to try and see what she can do with it at school tomorrow. She said it might take a couple of cuts, but she will do it for us. THANK YOU MISS MISSY! Maddie is becomming quite the explorer, she turned off the desktop today 3 times on me as I was working on some school work. She saw the button and wanted to know what it would do if she pushed it! Mommy lost everything she was doing. Ryan worked and I did the Mommy thing! Other than that nothing much going on. Dawn

"Mommy, I am sorry"

That is how I was greeted as I got home from work tonight. Then I saw what she was talking about! SHE HAD CUT HER HAIR! I will put pictures on here when I get time. I had to kind of work on it! I am so sad about the loss of her hair. I worked tonight, ryan worked last night midnight to 6 am and so he was tired today. maddie is maddie. and that is all that i have for now... i will try and figure the rest out later. tt4n dawn

Snow, Snow and More Snow

Well, as many of you know, it is snowing here in the Metro Louisville Area. We have to try and make it to work in the morning, but I don't know how. The roads are a complete mess. I don't know how we made it to take the girls to Mom's house. The tail end of our van tried comming out from under us as we were leaving her house. I was so scared! but we made it home and that is that. I did get one good pic that I will post the next time I upload the camera. I was trying to take a picture of ryan but it was too dark outside. All you see is black with all kinds of white specks. It was just the snow comming down! It is amazing. Other than that nothing going on. Will let you all know how the weekend goes! Love, ryan, dawn, kenzie and maddie

tagged by megan

Name 3 Jobs You've Had 1. Mom 2. Certified Nursing Assistant 3. McDonalds 10 Things You Might Not Know About Me 1. I learned how to clog in high school 2. When I was in school, I didn't go out with the kids from school because I went square dancing with my bothers. 3. i am afraid of heights 4. i hardly ever get a good night of sleep. 5. i can't stand spiders 6. when the kids go to mom's house, i either sleep in kenzie's bed or with her stuffed animals so that i can smell her! 7. i used to bowl on a league (my average wasn't worth putting here) 8. i love to watch wresteling on tv 9. i am pursuing a bachelors degree in health care administration right now. 10. Speaking of gagging--- when a old person aspirates and coughs a lot, it makes me gag! I hate... 1. spiders 2. snakes 3. when someone talks to me as if they are better than i am 4. when my kitchen isn't just so 5. people thinking they know how to run my house better than i do. 6. snow 7. when someone clos...

the plants and a few pics of kenzie

These are the daylilly's. They are shooting up very well this week! My stargazer lillies! I am loving them. They change everyday! The little green thing that you see in this pot is the hosta comming up. It will be nice when they all come up. Goofy girl Mackenzie! She is so silly when the camera is on! Kenzie made a "straight jacket" out of one of our oversized bath towels! Such a great photo op! Hope you enjoy them. Dawn

Oh busy day!

6am-- wake up, get Kenzie ready for school. 645-- Kenzie gets on bus. from then til Maddie wakes, work on school work. After that, I went to pick up the belt for the washer. Ryan took care of Maddie and getting Kenzie off of the bus while I was gone. ryan worked on the washer then we were off to Mom's to help them move some furniture and I worked on her spare bedroom while she had some time with the kids. We then went to church, came home bathed and here I sit. Blogging as I normally do, with nothing more to blog, so I am out. Sorry it was short tonight, just not feeling it. tired has set in! talk more when i have more to say! dawn

Amish Friendship Bread

Hey all, I know a lot to post today, but I thought if you were interested, I could give you starters and the directions for this really good bread. If you live out of town, I will send you a loaf! Just let me know if you are interested! Here are the directions : (so you can see what has to be done if you are interested) AMISH FRIENDSHIP BREAD: Important: Do not use any type of metal spoon or bowl for mixing. Do not refrigerate. If air gets in the bag, let it out. It is normal for batter to rise, bubble, and ferment. Day 1: Do nothing(this is the day you recieve the batter or the first date on the bag) Days 2-5: Mush the bag. Day 6: add to the bag: 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk Close the bag then mush it until the sugar is disolved. Days 7-9: mush the bag Day 10: pour the entire contents of the bag into a non metal bowl and add 1 1/2 cups each of flour, sugar, and milk. Mix. measure out 4 seperate batters of 1 cup each and put them in 4 one gallon iploc bags. These are ...

i'll fly away

Some glad morning, when this life is o'er I'll fly away, To a home on God's celestial shore I'll fly away. When the shadows of this life have gone I'll fly away. Like a bird from these prison walls, I'll fly I'll fly away. I'll fly away, O glory I'll fly away When I die, Hallelujah bye and bye, I'll fly away. O, how glad and happy when we meet, I'll fly away. No more cold iron shackles on my feet, I'll fly away I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away. When I die Hallelujah bye and bye, I'll fly away! --- Instrumental --- Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away. To a land where joys shall never end I'll fly away. I'll fly away, O glory I'll fly away When I die, Hallelujah bye and bye, I'll fly away...

old rugged cross

On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross The emblem of suffering and shame And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown To the old rugged cross I will ever be true It's shame and reproach gladly bearthen he'll call me someday to my home far away where his glory forever I'll share So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown In the old rugged cross stained with blood so devinea wonderous beauty I seefor t'was on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me So I'll cherish the old rugged cross Till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross And exchange it some day for a crown....

god of wonders

here is god of wonders, but i couldn't find the one i wanted. this one is by rebecca st james which is basically the same song, just different artist, so you can get the jest of it. Lord of all creation, of water earth and sky The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high CHORUS:God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are Holy, Holy The universe declares Your Majesty You are Holy, Holy (Lord of Heaven and Earth) (Lord of Heaven and Earth) Early in the morning I will celebrate the light When I stumble in the darkness I will call Your name by night CHORUS Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and Earth Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and Earth Hallelujah to the Lord of Heaven and Earth God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are Holy, Holy Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me Father, Holy Holy The universe declares Your Majesty You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy

Cartoon Song

was thinkin' the other day, "What if cartoons got saved? They'd start singing praise In a whole new way..." Well, I was thinkin' the other day, "What if cartoons got saved? They'd start singing praise In a whole new way..." Fred and Wilma Flintstone Sing "Yabba-dabba-do-yah" Scooby-doo and Shaggy: "Scooby-dooby-doo-yah" And the Jetsons' dog named Astro: "Rough-ray-roo-yah" (repeat chorus) Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles: "Cowabunga-loo-yah, Dude!" Then there's, "Kermit the Frog here, singing, High-ho-le-loo-yah" And that little bald guy, Elmer Fudd: "How-ay-woo-yah" (repeat chorus) Oh that big old moose and his friend Rocky, "Bullwinkle-loo-yah" And our favourite bear named Yogi, "Hey, Boo-Boo-loo-ya" Then there's all those little blue guys And they'd sing, "Hah-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-lay-loo-yah" How about Beavis and that other guy? "Nah!!...

new songs, more blooming in the pots

Hi! How are all of you? We are doing well. I am recovering from my sickness now. I am down to just a cough! Yay me! Kenzie is enjoying school as much as always although, she is starting to not want to be woke up for it as much here lately! Maddie is herself learning new things each day. I can't wait to see what new things she will come up with each day. Ryan is working and they are jacking him around there. They gave him the BT position (behavior tech) but for the last two weeks, they have pulled the BT to be an aide on one of the other units. It is very frustrating. I got the cake done at about 1am, but since my camera was in the car (in my purse) and I forgot to bring that in when I got home, it was still raining pretty bad, I opted to not go out and get it, I was going to tell ryan to snap a pic when Becky got there to get the cake, but forgot this morning. Oh man. I will have to do another Pikachu cake since I didn't get the pic like I wanted to. Oh well, you can't alwa...

tired....prayer request.... cake...

I worked an 8 hour shift tonight. I am very tired. I have yet to finish the cake for tomorrow, so I better be going but before I do, PLEASE KEEP CAROL IN YOUR PRAYERS! She was admitted to the hospital today for heart attack like symptoms. They have ruled out an attack, but please keep her in your prayers! Thanks, The Cox Family