Pics of... bunches of stuff!

Kenzie sporting her Easter Hat! She wanted one, so we put her in last year's dress so that we could save the pics of her in this years dress for after Easter Sunday! You know "keep 'em in suspense"!
My 'lil' posing sweetheart! Love when I can get pics like that one!
"Rock a bye myself!"
"Look Ma, I can do it all by myself" I love it when she discovers something new she can do all alone!
Here is the first of my discoveries outside. Don't mind the leaves. I think they may be providing warmth for the lil flowers!
Pretty discovery number 2!
And a spot of sunshine on the side of my house!
Oooh a darker purple suprise! Lovin it!
Hmmm wondering what this was aren't you? Well, I discovered today that ONE person in my house will eat the rejected jelly beans! Kenzie, Ryan and I detest black jellybeans, but it appears that they are Maddie's favorite and there is the proof! All the nasty black juices draining from her mouth! Not to worry, she got a bath right after I got the remainder of the rejects from her!

This is the pond at work. I love it!
Awww cute duck!
My lavender surprise.
sleeping angel. See the drool under her mouth. She fell asleep this afternoon in one of my sweaters and was so out of it she was drooling!
Some more sunshine on the side of the house.

This is the bible cake I did for the gospel sing at Mom's church last Saturday. I wasn't satisfied with how the sides turned out so I just tried to take the pic of the top of the cake. I did like what it turned out looking like.
I can ride my trike. (only if mommy is pusing me with her foot!)
My brother (Quinton) Kenzie calls him "Until Q-tip because she has a hard time with his name.
His girlfriend Arajuanna (I think that is how she spells her name) She is carrying my neice or nephew!
Another pic of the duck.
So, as you can see, I have been quite the shutter bug here as of lately. I will go for now and I will try later to post the reportcard. I tried earlier and got an error.


  1. Wow...So much to see. Cute gals you have, as pretty as your flowers. Quint really looks better in this pic. Not scary like the last time. I wanna pet the Duckies!!


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