Miss Brittany E-Mailed me

Miss Brittany sent a reply to one of my e mails and I just thought I would share it with you all:

I have seen the improvement with Kenzie on some cognitive development! I am still worried about her with games, and being asked questions. She didn’t do very well with Ms. Walton the other day in speech (yesterday actually). Ms. Walton asked questions like what you need to do if your hands are dirty, and Kenzie couldn’t tell her to wash them or wipe them off. I went through a stack of picture cards and she did pretty well labeling them, but a lot of the time she couldn’t tell me the function. It would really help if you could go over some of these at home, explaining what different things are for (mixer to mix batter, or you have to put batter into a cake pan in order to get a cake). The only other thing I can think of is playing board games with her. She likes to just watch the other kids play them; it really is a battle trying to get her to participate, and after explaining what the kids are to do a lot of times she will just smile at me. Does she do this to you? I know Kenzie has made great progress and is continuing to do so, I think the extra work that you and Ryan put in is wonderful!! Not a lot of parents are involved with their children’s education! Report cards will go home tom. I have them all ready, hopefully this time I’ll remember to put them in the backpacks and not on top of the mailboxes. Have a great day!

So, there you have it. Yes, Kenzie is having some troubles, but we are working on them, and yes KENZIE HAS HAD IMPROVEMENTS! I will have the report card tomorrow to let you know how she is doing! I just love report card day! Ryan and I decided that since we are together with the girls today to do easter while we will both be around, so they got their baskets full of toys and educational stuff today. They did get one bag of jelly beans to share, but we are trying to limit their sugar intake as much as possible. In addition to this, we had rain all day yesterday and today. They had a two hour delay which resulted in Kenzie not having school :(. But hopefully the busses can get to her tomorrow. We had roads covered in water. So bad that a lot of them were closed to all traffic. I will let you all have another sneak peek at the plants tomorrow after my batteries finish charging. And that is that!
Ryan, Dawn, Kenzie and Maddie


  1. I can hear her getting better when I talk to her on the phone. *HUggles*

    I want the pics of those flowers woman!

    Love you!



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