Spring Break Begins with a Report Card
Kenzie brought home her report card today. It was so nice opening it and finding this comment:
"Kenzie has made progress in a few of the cognitive developmental areas! Keep up the work you do at home with her!"
so now, In Literacy/Language Foundations,
She is Satisfactory in
Watches and listens to a story.
She has made progress in:
Becoms familiar with rhymes/rhyming songs
Identifies words/sounds as same or different
Listens for beginning sounds
Identifies sequences of events
Categorizes and classifies
Follows Directions :)
Describes pictures in a book
Tells a story from a book/picture
Retells a story
Matches and names basic colors
Matches letters
Recites the alphabet in sequence
Recognizes own written name
Identifies 10+ alphabet letters by name
In Writing Foundations Kenzie made progress in all areas! These include:
Holds pencil with fingers
Copies lines and shapes
Draws a recognizable person
Cuts lines and simple shapes
Colors witin lines
Prints own name
Prints 5+ recognizable letters
Prints 5+ recognizable numerals
Adds writing to a picture/story
Dictates stories
In Math Foundations, Kenzie made progress on:
Matches, names and describes shapes
Uses language associated with position, direction
Uses language associated with size
Identifies first, middle, last in a series
Sorts objects
Compares and contrasts objects
Counts by ones to ten or higher
Counts concrete objects to 5 or higher
Matches and recognizes numerals to 10
Matches a numeral to a set of 1 to 5
Compares numbers of objects using language
Counts and builds sets of 1 to 5 objects
She needs improvement on:
Uses language associated with time
Reprducing simple patterns
Predicting what comes next in a pattern
In Personal/Socail Development Kenzie got:
Satisfactory in:
Knows family members
Shares and cooperates with others
Takes turns
Initiates play situations
Uses materials appropriately and puts them away
Takes care of her own belongings
Follows classroom rules and routines
Asks for help when needed
Respects rights and property of others
She has made progress in:
Knows first and last name and address
Kenzie also made lots of progress on many of her goals through the evaluation, but since the copy machine cut off the names of many of them, I can't put that here. Just wanted to let you know she is making good progress.
I will post pics later.
"Kenzie has made progress in a few of the cognitive developmental areas! Keep up the work you do at home with her!"
so now, In Literacy/Language Foundations,
She is Satisfactory in
Watches and listens to a story.
She has made progress in:
Becoms familiar with rhymes/rhyming songs
Identifies words/sounds as same or different
Listens for beginning sounds
Identifies sequences of events
Categorizes and classifies
Follows Directions :)
Describes pictures in a book
Tells a story from a book/picture
Retells a story
Matches and names basic colors
Matches letters
Recites the alphabet in sequence
Recognizes own written name
Identifies 10+ alphabet letters by name
In Writing Foundations Kenzie made progress in all areas! These include:
Holds pencil with fingers
Copies lines and shapes
Draws a recognizable person
Cuts lines and simple shapes
Colors witin lines
Prints own name
Prints 5+ recognizable letters
Prints 5+ recognizable numerals
Adds writing to a picture/story
Dictates stories
In Math Foundations, Kenzie made progress on:
Matches, names and describes shapes
Uses language associated with position, direction
Uses language associated with size
Identifies first, middle, last in a series
Sorts objects
Compares and contrasts objects
Counts by ones to ten or higher
Counts concrete objects to 5 or higher
Matches and recognizes numerals to 10
Matches a numeral to a set of 1 to 5
Compares numbers of objects using language
Counts and builds sets of 1 to 5 objects
She needs improvement on:
Uses language associated with time
Reprducing simple patterns
Predicting what comes next in a pattern
In Personal/Socail Development Kenzie got:
Satisfactory in:
Knows family members
Shares and cooperates with others
Takes turns
Initiates play situations
Uses materials appropriately and puts them away
Takes care of her own belongings
Follows classroom rules and routines
Asks for help when needed
Respects rights and property of others
She has made progress in:
Knows first and last name and address
Kenzie also made lots of progress on many of her goals through the evaluation, but since the copy machine cut off the names of many of them, I can't put that here. Just wanted to let you know she is making good progress.
I will post pics later.
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