Updates... Overdue....
I realize that I haven't been blogging. I am sorry for my loyal readers. Namely Amanda! Sorry for messing up your morning routine of Coffe, News stories and The Cox Family Blog. Oops will try to be better....
Wednesday night we went to church.
Thursday not much happened. Ryan worked. I did homework and Kenzie went to school. Nothing new there.
Friday we dropped the girls off at mom's house and I baked a cake. I will have to upload the pic soon, but want to get rid of some of the pics on my comp before I upload it here. Hope you understand. Anyway, back to the cake. It was a bible with a cross on the top of it. It was laying open and everyone loved it. We didn't get home til late, but we made it.
Saturday I worked and so did Ryan.
Sunday I worked and Ryan picked the girls up at church and learned how much everyone LOVED the cake. It was great to know that they appreciated my artistic ability. LOL! anyway.
Monday: Kenzie almost missed the bus but made it just in time. She took green frosted cookies to school and wore a dress she picked out that had a green flower on it. She also brought home lots of green stuff! Maddie has been great this morning. And that is about it. I will try to update again later if I have time. I have 30 pages to read and discuss on the webpage before bed tonight, so it might be tomorrow before I can update you again. I think though I will be taking Behavior in Health Care Organizations next term although I could take Human Resources in Health Care Organizations or Health Care Policy and Regulations too. We shall see! I will definately update you there!
Wednesday night we went to church.
Thursday not much happened. Ryan worked. I did homework and Kenzie went to school. Nothing new there.
Friday we dropped the girls off at mom's house and I baked a cake. I will have to upload the pic soon, but want to get rid of some of the pics on my comp before I upload it here. Hope you understand. Anyway, back to the cake. It was a bible with a cross on the top of it. It was laying open and everyone loved it. We didn't get home til late, but we made it.
Saturday I worked and so did Ryan.
Sunday I worked and Ryan picked the girls up at church and learned how much everyone LOVED the cake. It was great to know that they appreciated my artistic ability. LOL! anyway.
Monday: Kenzie almost missed the bus but made it just in time. She took green frosted cookies to school and wore a dress she picked out that had a green flower on it. She also brought home lots of green stuff! Maddie has been great this morning. And that is about it. I will try to update again later if I have time. I have 30 pages to read and discuss on the webpage before bed tonight, so it might be tomorrow before I can update you again. I think though I will be taking Behavior in Health Care Organizations next term although I could take Human Resources in Health Care Organizations or Health Care Policy and Regulations too. We shall see! I will definately update you there!
Hello Darlin, Being as i've heard all this on the phone, I won't comment. I would like to see a pic of Kenzie in her dress!