Nana helping Maddie find Easter Eggs. Isn't this just too cute?

One of the ladies helping Kenzie!

"So this is what an egg is?"

Awwwwwwwww Such cute girls we have here! Could they possibly be sisters?

Mommy, I am running away from you!

Look at the pretty poser!

Can't get me Mom!

Nana, what do I do?

Finally getting the drift!

The easter egg cake I made for Jackie

Kenzie counting her easter eggs

Holding daffodils from our flowerbed to take to church to Nana.

Are we going to see Nana?

Sitting pretty!
So, today, Ryan worked first shift for me so I could get the girls to church and egg hunt. I got there in plenty of time and admired my lil angels! They were so cute! The dresses I found at Walmart a couple of months back and hoped that Kenzie's would still fit her. The sweaters and shoes, Carol and Roy sent them. Looked perfect today! Thanks abunch. Hope everyone had as good of easter as we did!
The Cox Family