Not so Happy Birthday to Me!

Today was a rough one

Amanda had surgery today, so far all is well.

I watched Maddie, Ellie, Anthony, Betty, Kenzie, Elizabeth, and Nick so that Ryan could work, Shawn and Lucy, and Kevin and Candy could go to the service for Shifter and support Joyce. I would have loved to have been able to go and say a final goodbye to him, but someone had to keep the kids, and that someone was me.... So there was my day, being driven crazy by a bunch of kids ranging in age from 12months to 6 years. All very young, but I have to admit, the one that I thought would be a little trying was the best! Nick, thanks for being such a good big boy. You don't know how much that helped me. The rest of the kids were just kids....

And there you have it. My day... I am off to bed now!


  1. Isn't it funny how the older you get, the blaher your birthday's get. I totally don't even care about my birthday any more, it's all about Brooklyn.

    So Happy Belated Birthday!


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