I often wonder how I get by doing everything on a daily basis. I mean, in a typical day, I get Ryan up for work and off, get Kenzie up for school, then put her on the bus after feeding her and dressing her, brushing teeth, finding backpack etc., work on some of the school work I have until Maddie wakes up, then I change and feed her, am potty training her too, I then proceed to clean up the dishes from breakfast, make any icing decorations that I may need for pending cakes, continue tidying up the house, this could include but isn’t limited to: laundry, sweeping, mopping, dusting, windows, vacuuming, scrubbing toilets etc., then it is time to get Kenzie off of the bus and have lunch. Dishes again. Playtime with the girls either in the play room or outside. Then about the time that Ryan comes home from work we go in and cook dinner, then bathe, books, and bed. By that time I am exhausted, but can’t go to bed because I have to finish my homework, so How do I do it? Well, in my uneducated opinion, I do it because I am a MOMMY and Mommies find a way to fit it all in! Don’t get me wrong, you daddies do a lot too, but it just seems to us Mommies that we have so much more on our plates because we do stay home with the kids in some cases and that is a full time job, but in my case, I stay home with the kids and work full time in addition to going to school full time too. It can be trying, but I know I do it all for the betterment of my children, and on day it will pay off!

Maddie-- I can’t believe how close you are to potty training. Every time we go to the potty, you go lift the lid to yours and sit there and read a book until Mommy or Daddy are done, then you proceed to shut the lid on yours and make your way to the big potty and shut it too. You are growing by leaps and bounds right now. I still think of you as my baby, but you will soon be 2. I can’t believe how much you have changed over the last year! You are such a joy to be around. You are learning new words and today you word is not a very pleasant one, but none the less, you said one. It was diaper change time and you laid down and said, “POOP”. I was quite shocked, but you were right, you had indeed pooped in your pull up. You go girl! Such a smart kiddo!

Kenzie-- Although times can be trying for Mommy and Daddy with your ever changing moods right now, we love you. You know that you are a big girl and are very smart. You use that to your advantage. We have to keep things locked up so that you don’t get a hold of them. Scissors is one of those items. You are not going to be cutting hair anytime soon my dear. If when you get older you want to go to Prosser to be a cosmetologist, then that is fine, but that is several years down the line, right now, just be a kiddo! Don’t grow up so fast! You continue having better speech. You do fight with your sister. Sometimes you win, but sometimes, she pays you back. You asked Devon to come over and play yesterday, but he wouldn’t and that broke your heart especially when you saw another little girl going to his house and he played outside with her but wouldn’t play with you. Boys can be like that kenzie and when they are, you just have to know that you are the better person for asking if he would play, after that you brought us “flowers” which were just stray leafs that had fallen from the trees. How sweet! You are on spring break right now, and we aren’t doing anything because Papaw Shifter went to see Jesus and Mommy and Daddy need to be there for Mamaw Joyce right now. She needs us more than we need to be going and celebrating no school. You will start your last nine weeks before the end of your preschool education. It will be interesting to see what happens from there. I can’t wait but don’t want you to go to kindergarten at the same time. You are my baby and I am not ready for you to be in kindergarten yet.

And now, I must go because I need to check on my school stuff.

Talk to you later!



  1. Sis, you are amazing...but I don't have the mind to say much more. Had a horrifing past couple of days. Thank god I see the shrink on the morrow. Love you.....Sissy Cranky Pants.


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