
Showing posts from May, 2007

Memorial Day and This Month's happenings...

Hey all. How are things going? Let me fill you in on the happenings around here lately. We went up to Mom's house for a cookout for Memorial Day and it was great. Maddie and Kenzie wore themselves out to the extent that as soon as we got in the car, they were both sound asleep. They both went right to bed when we got home too. We ran and played for hours outside. Mom lives on a 9 acre farm and so she has the room for us to run all the time. They too are getting a swingset for the kids so that they have something they can swing on at their house. The one they are getting is going to be bigger than the one I have, but I think that the kids will love it. Mom helped me to start planning a few things. I need to take some of my Landscape timbers to create a box around the swingset after we cement it in the ground and then I will use roundup to kill the grass and put rubber mulch inside the box so that if the kids fall off of the swing, they won't get hurt. I have made several plans f...

Birthday Bummer!

Hey all! How are you all? I have had much better days. After all of the prep and working so hard on Maddie's 1st birthday cake, we had a no show for the party. Mom was the only person who showed up and I think that was just because she knew that no one else had come. She called me and I told her that no one showed, so 2 hours late, she came over. I was happy that some one was there with Maddie when she had her cake. This was the first step in the decorations. I chose purple, pink, orange and yellow decorations. And for step two, I added accents to the flowers and bodies to the butterflies. Then baked and iced the cake in light blue icing. I then let it sit and crust over so that I could smooth it over. Add the second layer, ice it, let it crust. Smooth it over, add the grass border to both layers. I really liked this effect. I did the final finishing touches to the cake by adding the butterflies and flowers to the cake and the cake board. I then wrote Happy 1st Birthday Maddie on t...

She is short, skinny, and has an average size head.

Maddie went to the doc today. She wasn't too fond of Doctor Morgan. Although she has seen her every time we have gone to the doc. I decided that she needed to be seen by the same doc since she was having so many difficulties in the beginning, I wanted her to have a good relationship with one doctor rather than several since we go to a group of pediatricians. Maddie is in the 50th percentile for her head. She is in the 20th percentile for her weight. Madison is in the 25th percentile. We did a little calculating and came up with Dr Morgan thinks that she will grow to be 5'5 as an adult. She said that Kenzie will be much taller. Then after she left the room, Elizabeth came in and did a CBC. It is a fingerstick for bloodwork. And two shots. Maddie didn't cry until I laid her down after the shots were over and I was redressing her. I was completely shocked. Mom picked me up from the doctors office and brought us home. She had taken Kenzie to the park while we were seeing the do...

Not so new, new years resolution

Well, how are all of you? Wondering about the title are you? Well, I shall reveal the reason behind it in a few minutes. Maddie is doing great. She has a checkup tomorrow. I can't wait, more shots! That was sarcastic of corse. Kenzie had her last day of school until August today. She is sad that she won't see her friends as much until then. I am trying to get envolved in a few things for her. I found a place that she can play soccer, but she can't do that until fall. I am also going to be doing a library thing with her. I also found a local play group for the girls. They are meeting at the Library tomorrow, but we can't go because I have the appointment with Maddie which I think is much more important. Ryan is doing well. I did make some of the accents for Maddie's birthday cake today. I think I e mailed it to all of you. Now for the title of the blog for today. My friend Beth D. and I have vowed that we are going to do a weight loss thing together...

"Daddy, I love you! Thank you for my new swing set"

Oh my gosh, Kenzie almost peed her pants when daddy and Matt brought the swing set over the fence to the house. I will explain the story later. She had so much fun with it! "Sissy, are you sure this is safe? I am not so sure about it!" Maddie didn't really know what to think of the slide. She hated the glider. She just isn't big enough yet to know what to do on a slide. We will be getting an infant swing to put on it for her. Then maybe she will start to like it. "Mommy, it has a slide too" Sittin pretty! I loved this pose. She is so into taking pics today! Look at her! She loved it! She couldn't wait to get on the glider, swing, slide. She wanted to do it all! Wow, Daddy pushes me. Kenzie's teacher doesn't push the kids on the swing. If they can't do it themselves, they get no help so she was shocked when Daddy helped her. Now for the story about the swingset. I have been pricing them for a while and my neighbor came over and said tha...

I am in trouble I know

I know that I am in big troubles. I know I haven't posted all week and this is Wednesday. I am so sorry about that, but when you see what has been going on, you will understand. Saturday: I worked, Ryan hung out with the girls. My neighbor got arrested. Sunday: I worked, Ryan hung out with the girls. My neighbor is still in jail. Monday: I made a cake. Kenzie went to school. Maddie hung out with mommy. My neighbor's daughter came over and I got the story. He had gone to a bar with his fiance and well, she started a pushing match with him then left him at the bar. When he finally got home, they continued arguing, she called the police. He was arrested because she said he hit her. I know in Florida both parties involved would have been arrested, but I guess in Indiana it is different. He was taken in. He was awaiting arainment on Monday, but since there were so many arrests over the weekend he didn't get that done. Tuesday: I had a really bad day! There are...

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Wish you all a Happy Mothers Day. It is hard to believe that this is my 5th year being a mommy. Thank you Kenzie and Maddie for all the wonderful memories. I love you both very much. ~Mommy~

Yay, Maddie!

Hey all. Just thought I would update you real quick. Maddie has been trying to walk for weeks now. She took not one, not two but 19 steps today. It was so cute. She just keept taking steps as i backed up and eventually she cornered me so that I couldn't back up any further. Yay! We have two walkers now. Love ya lots. More to come later. ~Dawn~

Busy, busy, busy...

Well, we have been so busy today. I am making the roses for the wedding cake for next week as well as figuring out the design for the cake for next Monday. Kenzie had a good day at school. She got an invitation to a birthday party, but, it is in a few days. I would have been more prepared for it had they given the invitation last week. She said that she would rather stay home with daddy than to go to the party. She said she wants daddy to teach her how to play golf. That was pretty funny. She can't wait for Uncle Maxx to bring her the kid's size golf clubs that used to be his. He told her she could have them. Maddie walked about 5 steps today. Ryan cooked dinner tonight. I watered the plants outside today and when I took my shower tonight, I noticed that I got a little sunburn. It doesn't hurt very much, but I just couldn't believe how much sun I got today. I am planning Maddie's birthday party as it is. I am having it late in the month. I think I ha...

"No Monkey Bars Mommy!"

I know, the title.... That is what Kenzie said to me when she got home from school today. She had a good day. She didn't get hurt today at school. I learned that there are 15 children in her class. Wow! She has a bigger class than I had originally had thought. Ryan had a busy day. Maddie took about 4 steps today. She is getting closer to taking off. She will only take steps to me though. She will not walk to her daddy. Sorry Dad. She just isn't ready yet I don't think. And besides, Kenzie was your baby girl, Maddie is mine! Kent helped me with a project today... I decided that it was time to get our weedeater that Ryan's parents had bought us last spring in working order. It is brand new, but we couldn't get the new attachment on it. He had to actually perform surgery so to speak on it. We cut the red end off of it just to get the new piece on the shaft. After doing that, Kent was able to get the new piece on it and we did some yard work. It was n...

Kenzie Fell

I had a decent weekend and then while Kenzie was at school her teacher called me. She was playing on the playground and tyring to do the monkey bars, she fell. The teacher said she was a trooper. She let her brush off the mulch, but wouldn't let her clean it off very good. I will take care of that better when she gets home. The teacher said it wasn't very big, it was just a scratch. She said that she had sat Kenzie down to calm her down since she thought that she was paniked a little. Kenzie wouldn't have it and decided she needed to play more. Happily, she went back to play more. Maddie is getting bigger everyday. I am going to start planning her birthday soon. I think I will do her party on a day after school lets out so that I can have some of Kenzie's friends come to it too. I will post the pics soon I promise. Love, Dawn

Today from a glance...

Today wasn't really all that bad. Kenzie didn't have school which was probably a good thing. She was up agian late last night with night terrors. I just don't know what I am going to do with her about it. She keeps me up when she has these kinds of nights. She slept in late this morning, then at about 1, she went back to sleep and I had to wake her at 4 so that she would be able to sleep tonight. Maddie has been doing a little better today. The drops really do help her eyes. We took the girls to Mom's tonight since Ryan has to work tomorrow as well as I do. Mom will have them until Sunday. We had dinner with them. We came home, I did a load of laundry and I am off to bed so that I can work tomorrow. Continue to pray for Maddie's eyes and Kenzie's night terrors. I really do appreciate it. Love, ~Dawn~


Old Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor dog a bone. But when she got there the cupboard was bare! And so the poor dog had none. Today we talked about dogs and found things in the house that start with the letter d. We talked about mommy's name starts with a D! ~Dawn~


Hickory Dickory Dock Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one. The mouse ran down. Hickory dickory dock! Today the letter was C. The rhyme was Hickory Dickory Dock. We studied the Clock today. Kenzie had lots of fun with that.

Oh No. Not Conjunctivitis Again!

Well, when Maddie woke up this morning, I noticed green discharge from her left eye. Inspecting a little further, I noticed the white of the eye is turning a little red. I immediately called Dr. Morgan. I got Bobbie, one of the nurses. I told her what the symptoms were and "I know that I am self diagnosing, but both of my kids have had it quite a bit." She replied with, "Where do you want the drops called in to." Later in the day, I called Walgreens and the drops were ready! The doc never even called me. I am telling you, this poor baby is so miserable. Conjunctivitis is one thing I would never wish upon my worst enemy. Please pray for her to be more comfortable while the drops do their job. She keeps rubbing them. I know she isn't comfy because she usually sleeps all night. Last night she woke up about every two hours. I haven't had her do that since she was newborn. I didn't have a good night. In addition to Maddie waking so often, Ken...



Wow what a week so far!

We have had such a strange week so far. First on Monday, not much happened. Tuesday, the car started acting up again. Now for today. Ryan had Maxx follow him to Ramsey to put the car in the shop. Maxx brought him home. We waited all day. Finally Trevor, the mechanic, called us and said, they couldn't find anything that would be causing the car to act up and that we could pick it up at anytime. He had done diagnostic tests to no avail. He checked the fuel filter and no dirt was comming out. He put in gas treatment and took it for a drive, it sputtered one time on him and so he decided he would put heat in the tank. The heat was meant to evaporate any water that might be in the tank. He came to a final conclusion that we must have just gotten a hold of some bad gas. That was a blessing and a curse all in one! Ryan had taken the day off to get the car fixed and that was all it was. I decided that if it continued doing it, we would have Joey come down and take off the cr...


Baa baa black sheep Have you any wool? Yes sir. Yes sir. 3 bags full. 1 for my master and one for the dame and one for the little boy who lives down the lane. Today, the letter is B and the color is Blue. Kenzie wore a blue outfit to school. I will post the daily post later.


The letter of the day is A The Apple Tree Way up high in the apple tree Two red apples smiled down at me. I shook that tree as hard as I could. Mmmm... Were they good! Now, for the explanation of what we are doing. We pick a letter of the day (well, I do) and it goes with a rhyme in this case "The Apple Tree" . We say the rhyme, then Kenzie gets to act it out. And later today after school, we will be making Apple sun catchers and practicing to write the letter A. Kenzie's teacher gave me this website to promote her learning. I loved it so much that I decided to do the letter of the day thing every day so that I can continue her learning even through the summer time. I will probably figure out how to do the numbers, colors, and shapes too so that she will get it all. I will post a picture of the apple sun catcher after she makes them. I think that she will have fun with it. Have a great day and I look forward to a new letter tomorrow! ~Dawn~

Things are...

Well, I know that it has been a few days since I posted. I do work you know. I thought I would update you on everything that is happening. Kenzie is taking her Derby Hat to school today. She is having a blast. Her teacher sent me a few ideas, and I am going to start doing a letter of the day. You will see later what I am doing for that. Kenzie has also been trying to get a nasty cold. She is being a trooper tho. She is taking her medicine when she needs to without fighting. I am so proud of her. Maddie is about the same. She hasn't changed much. If it isn't too hot later, I will take them to the park and try to get pics of them, but since I have to walk them there, I may not if the weather is too hot. Ryan went golfing with Maxx yesterday. He is having fun with that. Maxx is looking for the clubs for Kenzie and he told her that when she gets a little older, they will take her with them so she can drive the golf cart. They are also planning on taking her out to ...