Memorial Day and This Month's happenings...
Hey all. How are things going? Let me fill you in on the happenings around here lately. We went up to Mom's house for a cookout for Memorial Day and it was great. Maddie and Kenzie wore themselves out to the extent that as soon as we got in the car, they were both sound asleep. They both went right to bed when we got home too. We ran and played for hours outside. Mom lives on a 9 acre farm and so she has the room for us to run all the time. They too are getting a swingset for the kids so that they have something they can swing on at their house. The one they are getting is going to be bigger than the one I have, but I think that the kids will love it. Mom helped me to start planning a few things. I need to take some of my Landscape timbers to create a box around the swingset after we cement it in the ground and then I will use roundup to kill the grass and put rubber mulch inside the box so that if the kids fall off of the swing, they won't get hurt. I have made several plans f...