Not so new, new years resolution

Well, how are all of you? Wondering about the title are you? Well, I shall reveal the reason behind it in a few minutes. Maddie is doing great. She has a checkup tomorrow. I can't wait, more shots! That was sarcastic of corse. Kenzie had her last day of school until August today. She is sad that she won't see her friends as much until then. I am trying to get envolved in a few things for her. I found a place that she can play soccer, but she can't do that until fall. I am also going to be doing a library thing with her. I also found a local play group for the girls. They are meeting at the Library tomorrow, but we can't go because I have the appointment with Maddie which I think is much more important. Ryan is doing well. I did make some of the accents for Maddie's birthday cake today. I think I e mailed it to all of you. Now for the title of the blog for today. My friend Beth D. and I have vowed that we are going to do a weight loss thing together. We both want to loose weight and trim down, so we are going to be each other's support. She has more to loose than I do, but I will be there with her every step of the way. And she will do the same for me. I will keep you all posted as things occur. I decided to start using my pedometer tonight and went for a walk around the block, two laps equals 2630 steps. Wow! I didn't realize how easy it was to walk for so many steps. I want my ultimate goal to be 10k steps a day. I do hope I can do it. Like I said I will keep you updated as I progress. Wish me luck!


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