Things are...

Well, I know that it has been a few days since I posted. I do work you know. I thought I would update you on everything that is happening. Kenzie is taking her Derby Hat to school today. She is having a blast. Her teacher sent me a few ideas, and I am going to start doing a letter of the day. You will see later what I am doing for that. Kenzie has also been trying to get a nasty cold. She is being a trooper tho. She is taking her medicine when she needs to without fighting. I am so proud of her. Maddie is about the same. She hasn't changed much. If it isn't too hot later, I will take them to the park and try to get pics of them, but since I have to walk them there, I may not if the weather is too hot. Ryan went golfing with Maxx yesterday. He is having fun with that. Maxx is looking for the clubs for Kenzie and he told her that when she gets a little older, they will take her with them so she can drive the golf cart. They are also planning on taking her out to teach her the game. It will be cool for her. I don't have any new cake orders for this week. I will be playing catch up on some things. I also start my last class next week as far as I know. It depends on if we had enough people to sign up for it. Well that is that. If anything new happens later, you will know.


  1. Well, with Kenzie going golfing with Daddy you'll get a little time for yourself in the evenings to relax. That is always good.

    I am trying to get my Gal all ready for prom and been in pain alot and tired but when I go out into the world i can tell I am doing better.


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