Today from a glance...

Today wasn't really all that bad. Kenzie didn't have school which was probably a good thing. She was up agian late last night with night terrors. I just don't know what I am going to do with her about it. She keeps me up when she has these kinds of nights. She slept in late this morning, then at about 1, she went back to sleep and I had to wake her at 4 so that she would be able to sleep tonight. Maddie has been doing a little better today. The drops really do help her eyes. We took the girls to Mom's tonight since Ryan has to work tomorrow as well as I do. Mom will have them until Sunday. We had dinner with them. We came home, I did a load of laundry and I am off to bed so that I can work tomorrow. Continue to pray for Maddie's eyes and Kenzie's night terrors. I really do appreciate it.


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