Oh No. Not Conjunctivitis Again!

Well, when Maddie woke up this morning, I noticed green discharge from her left eye. Inspecting a little further, I noticed the white of the eye is turning a little red. I immediately called Dr. Morgan. I got Bobbie, one of the nurses. I told her what the symptoms were and "I know that I am self diagnosing, but both of my kids have had it quite a bit." She replied with, "Where do you want the drops called in to." Later in the day, I called Walgreens and the drops were ready! The doc never even called me. I am telling you, this poor baby is so miserable. Conjunctivitis is one thing I would never wish upon my worst enemy. Please pray for her to be more comfortable while the drops do their job. She keeps rubbing them. I know she isn't comfy because she usually sleeps all night. Last night she woke up about every two hours. I haven't had her do that since she was newborn. I didn't have a good night. In addition to Maddie waking so often, Kenzie has been having night terrors, so that keeps me up too. I don't know how I get through the day with so little sleep, but I manage. Thanks for all your love and support.


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