Wow what a week so far!

We have had such a strange week so far. First on Monday, not much happened. Tuesday, the car started acting up again. Now for today. Ryan had Maxx follow him to Ramsey to put the car in the shop. Maxx brought him home. We waited all day. Finally Trevor, the mechanic, called us and said, they couldn't find anything that would be causing the car to act up and that we could pick it up at anytime. He had done diagnostic tests to no avail. He checked the fuel filter and no dirt was comming out. He put in gas treatment and took it for a drive, it sputtered one time on him and so he decided he would put heat in the tank. The heat was meant to evaporate any water that might be in the tank. He came to a final conclusion that we must have just gotten a hold of some bad gas. That was a blessing and a curse all in one! Ryan had taken the day off to get the car fixed and that was all it was. I decided that if it continued doing it, we would have Joey come down and take off the crank sensor and take it to have it tested. If it tests ok, then we will drop it, if it tests negative, we will replace it. We haven't had to go to that extreme yet, but I am just getting it into place so that if we have to we know what to do. Now onto other things. Kenzie had a great day at school. Maddie surprised me today. I got her out of the crib right as the bus got here to drop Kenzie off. We opened the door for Kenzie and then when she was in the house, I stood Maddie up and went about the daily ritual of finding out what Kenzie did at school. I looked up and Maddie was taking steps. One, Two, Three. Pause. One, Two. About that time, I was trying to video her, she got down and crawled. The little stinker! She just wants to do it when no one is watching. She will take off real soon i think. I will post the video when I get it. I think that about does it for tonight. Have a great evening.


  1. Go MADDIE! Sorry about the car. Remember the one we had???


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