"Daddy, I love you! Thank you for my new swing set"
Now for the story about the swingset. I have been pricing them for a while and my neighbor came over and said that his neighbor to the rear would sell me the swing set for a mere $40. That is less than 1/2 of the lowest price I had found. I jumped on the offer and told Ryan to stop by the ATM on the way home. So there is the story. Now for the significance of getting the swingset. I decided that instead of buying something the girls could play with inside, I wanted to get an outdoor toy for Madison for her birthday. I also got Kenzie's report card today which was great. So the toy was for a birthday and a reward for a good report card. Kenzie loved it and was so surprised when Matt told her that the swing would be staying here forever. She thought he was just letting us borrow it, but now that she knows it is hers, she is so darn excited!
I had a good day. I was up until 2am working on the wedding cake that I forgot to get a pic of, but there will be other times when I do a cake that I will get the pic. I got another order for next week today. It is a babyshower cake. So now next week, I have Maddie's birthday cake for the party, and a baby shower cake to do. I think it will be tons of fun!
Kenzie had a good day at school and then came home and helped me finish the invites for Maddie's birthday party. She also helped me buy the decorations for it. We went to the grocery and she was so good that I didn't even mind when she sneaked a hershey bar onto the belt when she knew I wasn't looking.
Maddie got a birthday present today. She loved her outfits Yaya and Pappy!
And that about sums it all up!
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