The letter of the day is A

The Apple Tree
Way up high in the apple tree
Two red apples smiled down at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
Were they good!

Now, for the explanation of what we are doing. We pick a letter of the day (well, I do) and it goes with a rhyme in this case "The Apple Tree" . We say the rhyme, then Kenzie gets to act it out. And later today after school, we will be making Apple sun catchers and practicing to write the letter A. Kenzie's teacher gave me this website to promote her learning. I loved it so much that I decided to do the letter of the day thing every day so that I can continue her learning even through the summer time. I will probably figure out how to do the numbers, colors, and shapes too so that she will get it all. I will post a picture of the apple sun catcher after she makes them. I think that she will have fun with it. Have a great day and I look forward to a new letter tomorrow!



  1. I wanted to say thing when xander was little, i wanted to be able to do things with and have him actually understand what we are doing, lol. They do grow up quickly though. Our zoo was pretty little, but it was cute. I want to take him to the san fransisco zoo :D its really big.

    What is the website that you are using for the letter thing, i would love to do that with xander, he is just a learning sponge, he soaks up everything. He already knows most of his letters, but i would love to reinforce it :D


  2. Good Job Sis! When I brought you up, there wasn't that cool lil thaing called the internet! LOL


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