I am in trouble I know

I know that I am in big troubles. I know I haven't posted all week and this is Wednesday. I am so sorry about that, but when you see what has been going on, you will understand.

Saturday: I worked, Ryan hung out with the girls. My neighbor got arrested.

Sunday: I worked, Ryan hung out with the girls. My neighbor is still in jail.

Monday: I made a cake. Kenzie went to school. Maddie hung out with mommy. My neighbor's daughter came over and I got the story. He had gone to a bar with his fiance and well, she started a pushing match with him then left him at the bar. When he finally got home, they continued arguing, she called the police. He was arrested because she said he hit her. I know in Florida both parties involved would have been arrested, but I guess in Indiana it is different. He was taken in. He was awaiting arainment on Monday, but since there were so many arrests over the weekend he didn't get that done.

Tuesday: I had a really bad day! There are no two ways about it. Ryan was supposed to take the cake to work with him and didn't. Kenzie was whiney all day. Maddie was also not happy. I mean really, it was her birthday, and I thought she would have been happy, but no. Then I had visitors unannounced who came to wake Maddie up and wish her a happy birthday, then leave 2 seconds later. I was highly upset by that. I continued to have a bad day. Ryan didn't get home in time for me to go to water torture, so my friend Beth was stood up since he didn't show and the people at the desk at the y didn't give her my message. The night got worse, Kenzie hid the remote from us. That upset Ryan. She wouldn't tell us where it was. Finally after 10 we found it hidden in the closet and Kenzie said "Daddy, you found it. I hid it!" I was so upset I just went to bed.

Wednesday: I have to make a wedding cake today. I do hope it turns out ok. I don't have much experience in that department and I am very nervous about it. I will be starting it as soon as Kenzie goes to school. Although I have to wait for Ryan to get home to Ice it since I need to go to the store and get a few things before I can make the icing. I can see that I will be up very late tonight. I will try and get some new pics real soon. I just haven't been into taking them this week with it being such a wierd week.



  1. Wow sounds like you have had wuite the week.. I hope it ends better than it has started! Im sure you will do great with your wedding cake, you are incredibly talented!

    Happy super belated Mothers day, lol, and happy birthday to your little one. :D



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