
Showing posts from April, 2008


So, we were all just chilling out here at home today when Dustin came in and said that he had hurt himself playing on Brandon's RIP STICK. I thought he was just being a baby, but he went to the er anyway and it turns out he has a horizontile hairline fracture below his knee but above his ankle! And that is the happeinings for today! Dawn

Term One Complete

So, for my fans, I thought I would update you on my first term in college. I was taking a writing class as many of you might remember. I turned in the research paper on Saturday night and even with forgetting the Title Page, she gave me 38/40 possible points. So that made my grade for the class a 99.1%!!! Wow. I did it. I am so proud of myself. I am now taking two classes this term. They are: Intro to Health Care Delivery and Medical Terminology. I think I will do well this term as well. I will keep you all posted about all of this too! Kenzie: went to school this morning. She had a little 'tude when I got home. But all in all, she did fine. Maddie: has been a hoot today. She got into one of my drapes and started playing peek a boo. every few seconds, she would wrap herself up in it and then pop out yelling "BOO!" How funny was she. Ryan is at work. I am here trying to get a headstart on my school stuff for this term. Hope to blog more later. Dawn


I don't like stress. I have been stressed for quite some time now. With school, the kids, the new work schedule, and everything else that has been going on. I just hate that I have to feel stressed. The kids are doing good. Maddie is learning so much new stuff. Today she hollared for "Abe" that is what she calls her friend Gabe. Kenzie helped me with taking the invites for Maddie's birthday party to the neighbors. I can't wait for it. Maybe on her birthday party day, I will be able to enjoy myself again. Ryan is working and I am about 1/2 done with the research paper that I have due by midnight. I have organized the office somewhat today. I now have 2 desks and an entertainment piece down here with 2 office chairs and 1 computer chair. It is really comming together nicely. Mom isn't comming to get Maddie today and so I guess she will have her next weekend instead. Not much else to report. Talk to you all soon. Dawn

Some pics taken this week....

My pretty little blue eyed princess! Such a happy girl! Baby Joshua the cool kiddo! As long as I have my cuppy I am a happy camper posing in the yard for momma! Would you please stop throwing my ball away from me? I really don't wanna run after it again! This was the cake I made for Joyce in rememberance of Shifter last month. I wanted to post it sooner but just uploaded my camera. I was satisfied with it when it was all done and said. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. And there you have the pics for now. I may have a video of Maddie to add later, so watch for it. Love, Dawn

Chocolate Brittle Surprise

Last night, knowing that my brother often has a sweet tooth at night, I made some Chocolate Brittle Surprise. Here is the recipe since I promised I would put it here for Candice: Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Then lightly spray with pan spray (like Pam). Line the cookie sheet with saltine crackers. Boil 1 cup butter and 3/4 cups of brown sugar for 3 minutes. cover the crackers with this butter/sugar mixture. Bake at 400 for 5 minutes. Then put 12 ounces of semisweet chocolate chips over that immediately after it comes out of the oven. as it melts spread the chocolate so it evenly coats the crackers. Chill the brittle in the refrigerator or freezer until hard. Crack like you would peanut brittle, then store in ziploc bags in the freezer. Yummy! Amanda makes this all the time and since I wanted something cheap and easy to make, I made this. It is so goooood! Kenzie is at school and I am about to work on my Research Paper for school. Hope all is well. Maddie has ...

Mama is a sickley being again....

Symptoms: chills cough nasal congestion aches sleeplessness Hope I feel better soon and can blog like a normal human blogger! Dawn

Sleep, what is that?

The new schedule is driving my sleep schedule bonkers. I can't seem to catch up on my sleep. It would be nice if I could just get a good solid 4 hours of sleep, but that just doesn't seem to be happening. I am tired, but getting by. I will probably get caught up on my sleep tonight. We got the red bud cut down and they picked up the brush today. It was sad to see the tree cut down, but it needed to be done. Sunday at church was good. I am studying some bible verses a friend of mine from work gave me. And that is about all that is going on as of now.

Oh no, not my flowers!

Friday was very busy, but we got through it. We went to Kenzie's Kindergarten Physical. Her CBC came back fine. Her UA was also good. Her weight is 54 lbs and height at 44 inches. She needs to trim down a little, but all in all the doc isn't really worried about it. Then we went to Target to get soda for the church. After that, we went on home to get some much needed sleep which turned out to be only about 1.5 hours. So I was completely exhausted last night. Today: I baked a cake for the fish fry tonight. Ryan had Dustin help him cut down the red bud tree in our back yard. We went to the fish fry/hymn sing. Then came home and put Maddie to bed. She is still in there yelling at me, so I may have to go in and get her. Not much else going on. Talk to yall later! Dawn

Love, Liberty, Disco

One of my favorite bands is Newsboys. I got to see them in concert a few years back and this has been one of my favorite songs since. I couldn't find it for the playlist, so I thought I would put the video here. Hope you enjoy this bunches! I will blog more after things simmer down here. Love, Dawn

woah, i'm tired.

So, last night, I was on Lifeskills all night. It was 80 degrees on a small locked in unit with very little ventillation. I looked at the thermostat around 2 am and found it reading 80. This morning, Kenzie was off to school and I slept until Maddie woke up then when Kenzie got home, we put the back seat back into the van and went to Mom's to get Candice and Joshua since they had planned to come back to my house for a day or two before going back to Illinois. We finally got home from going to drop Peppy off to Mom at the shop, and visiting Uncle Ivan since Joshua looks like he did when he was a baby, we wanted him to get to see the baby while they were in town. Then we finally got home around 5pm. So, here I sit getting ready to go to the grocery store, and wanted to catch you all up. dawn

Kenzie's new favorite song...

As I went to lay down, I started the play list for music like I always do when I lay down to sleep and Kenzie busted out with "GIMME THE BEAT BOYS AND FREE MY SOUL, WANNA GET LOST IN UR ROCK AND ROLL" so I just had to put this here for you!

Jonathan Jennings Kindergarten Here We Come!

Today, Kenzie went to school and as soon as she got home from school, she and I made a trip to Jonathan Jennings Elementary School here in Charlestown. I did the pre enrollment for her to be able to go to kindergarten next year. While there, I saw Karen. Nice to see ya chick! So, Kenzie had a kindergarten screening. Now, we are home and I am about to have lunch, do some landry, and then have a nap before going to work tonight. So, I will try and post more tomorrow! Dawn


I haven't blogged for a few days because there haven't been things going on here. Saturday: We stayed home and watched Thunder on the television becase we weren't going to take the kids into the crowd. It was cold anyway. Dustin, Candice, and Joshua went up to Mom's house. Ryan worked until 6pm and expecting traffic to be bad because of the festivities, came home but got here earlier than ever! It was great to just sit around the house and do nothing. I cooked some pre packaged barbecue shredded pork, smoked sausage with sauteed mushrooms and onions, scalloped potatoes and green beens. We had a picnic in the living room while watching the fireworks (I wasn't very happy with them this year.) . Then we all went to bed. Sunday: Ryan and I got up and got the girls ready for church. We then went out to Acts Full Gospel Church in Borden, Indiana. This is the church that Mom goes to. When we got there, we learned that Jackie (the preacher's wife) has basi...


Mark Wills Don't Laugh At Me. So many people have some point in their lives when they feel like the words to that song describe. Most of us at some point have had someone in our lives make fun of us. That song means so much to me because as a young child I was made fun of because I didn't have a lot of money, now I am trying to make sure my kids know not to do that to other children.

More My Chemical Romance Videos

Teenagers All I want for Christmas As I find more, I will add them to the blog. I loved the teenager song because it sums up how teens these days are in clicques. I dealt with that in high school and hated it. Then one of my favorite christmas songs is All I want for Christmas and so I found MCR's version of it. Hope you enjoy these and check the next blog for the Cancer video by MCR

Cancer by My Chemical Romance

Some time ago, Angel got me hooked on this group called My Chemical Romance. In time, I found a song called Cancer. When I looked up the words, this is what I found. Cancer Turn away, If you could get me a drink Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded Call my aunt Marie Help her gather all my things And bury me in all my favorite colors, My sisters and my brothers, still, I will not kiss you, 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you. Now turn away, 'Cause I'm awful just to see 'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body, All my agony, Know that I will never marry, Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo But counting down the days to go It just ain't living And I just hope you know That if you say (if you say) Goodbye today (goodbye today) I'd ask you to be true (cause I'd ask you to be true) 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you With those words up there, I cry when I hear the so...

12 down 24 to go!!!

Last night I had my first 12 hour night shift. The shift went fine. The ride home was challenging. I was only able to sleep for about 3 hours before Ryan and the girls woke me up :( Maddie has been a lil momma since Joshua came to visit us. She is so cute with him. Totally thinks that she is his mommy. Kenzie has been equally as well. She thinks it is cool to have a baby in the house. NO WE ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT HAVING ANOTHER!!! Two kids are enough for us. Mom seems to be feeling better with the antibiotics. The girls are feeling better too. Dustin and Candice came to town for a visit and were gonna stay with Mom, but we asked them to come to our house since Mom and Pop are sick. Joshua is getting so big. I have pics, and will upload them when I am feeling a little more refreshed! Sleep is a must at this point. And so before I get myself into any trouble here... I am off to save the pillow! :)

Busy Day

So, today was a really busy day. We got up and found out that my brother was comming to town. We went to Mom's to visit and since she was sick we brought them home with us. So we have 4 adults and 3 children in our house tonight. I will get pics tomorrow. Ryan learned how to do an oil change on his car today. And then we stopped in at "Uncle Punk"'s house. And that was that. So, now I am off to bed so we can all get some sleep before my first 12 hour night shift. I will update you as I can. Dawn

Not so quiet day

Hey! Since Kenzie and Maddie are sick, Kenzie of course was still contagious today and the teacher asked me to keep her home for the rest of the week since it is a short week anyway, so she stayed home and boy did I know it! She hates staying home from school. I hated doing it to her, but if she is sick, she is sick. So anyway, she stayed home and fought with her sister all day. Not my favorite day. I did re read the blog from yesterday and forgot to add something. My mom is all concerned about Maddie's legs because she walks a little pigeon toed sometimes. I told this to Dr. Morgan, she said "is she tripping over her feet" I replied "no" she then counter replied with "well then don't worry about her" and "it is normal for some kids to do that at her age" so now with that settled, I hope that will be the end of the ongoing fight over her legs. I took the kids outside again today!!! Maddie and I went to the neighbor's hou...

A visit with Dr. Morgan....

Friday, the girls spiked temperatures while Mom was keeping them. Here was the result from a visit with Dr. Morgan: Madison: Symptoms: diarreah, fever Diagnosis: Red throat, let's swab for strep throat. Test came back positive. Oh, look, her eyes look like she is getting conjunctivitis. Prescriptions: Tobramyacin drops daily for 7 days Azithromyacin every day for 3 days (it is a stronger antibiotic, so shorter time, but stays in her system for a full 10 days) Ok, on to : Kenzie: Symptoms: fever, really bad cough (for 2-3 weeks now) and at school today, green yucky discharge from the nose. Diagnosis: Sinisitis. Well, since Maddie came back positive for strep, let's check Kenzie. POSITIVE FOR STREP! Even though her throat wasn't red, she was positive for it also! Treatment: Azithromycin every day for 5 days. I am so sorry for the girls, but this is the first time they have been this sick in a long time. Too bad Kenzie has to miss school tomorrow, but she will be ...

it is 5:20 am...

and i am home from work. the night went well.... just wasting time waiting up to get kenzie on the bus so that i can go to sleep! have a good day while i nap!

Schedule change...

So, for my blog fans, I thought I would allow you to be the first to know that my schedule is changing. See below: Tonight: work 10 pm to 4 am. then:::: Saturday: 16 hours Sunday: 16 hours Beginning next week: Thursday April 10th: 6pm to 6am Sunday: 6pm to 6am Tuesday: 6pm to 6 am This will repeat every week. So I will be working shorter shifts, but it will be 3 days and I have never worked nights before, so I know there will be an adjustment period, and I will have to crack down on my school work, but once I accomplish that, I will hopefully be able to be back to blogging like normal. Please bear with me during this transitional time. Thanks, Dawn

School Resumes.... YAY!

And so, school resumed from spring break yesterday! Mommy and Daddy were so very happy about that! Hopefully Kenzie will get back to normal. After she went to school, Maddie did her own thing all day. When Kenzie got home from school, I got ready and went to Kindred of Sellersburg (aka Sellersburg Health and Rehab) and put my application in. I am tired of wasting so much gas to go to work and with the prices rising, I decided to just go somewhere here in Southern Indiana since things have gone from Bad to WORSE where we are working now. I am hoping that I can get a 12 hour shift over at Kindred the opposite days of Ryan. That way we can get the babysitting down to a minimum. Kenzie is having such a hard time with the long days that I work and wants Mommy home with her. We will just have to see what happens. Then upon returning home, we had lunch and when the weather cleared, I went outside and moved more daffodils and crocuses (spelling probably isn't right on that one) t...