I have joined up with a group of my friends and we are planning some get togethers. We will be doing play dates at each other's houses. We are hoping to be able to do a christmas party in december. i am also hoping that in the future we can have some mdo activities (mom's day out). in addition to this we are working on a recipe book to share our favorite recipes. we are also doing a babysitting swap starting soon so that we can just swap with one of the girls. I would watch April's two kids so she can have mommy time, and she would swap another night with me to watch my two kids. I think it will really work out well for all of us. Kenzie is starting to learn some sight words. She can already recognize the words I, A, and Can. I know it is only three words, but she is learning that is what matters most at this moment. I can't wait for her to learn more words as she progresses in Kindergarten. Maddie came up to me today and said, "MOMMY BATHROOM!" so ...
Gods, he was always accident prone....